
Wednesday, January 20, 2021


Every four years, our country goes through an election and then, usually, a peaceful transition of power.  This year things turned out differently of course and for a few hours, our democracy teetered on the brink of calamity.  But in the end democracy won and our transition is occurring. 

I'm a news fan, I love news, good, bad or in between.  There certainly has been enough bad, most of 2020 and now even the start of 2021.  Today is one of the biggest news days of the year as we celebrate change and that transfer of power.  Hopefully it's peaceful and a new direction for our Nation.  Politics aside, I think most would agree we need to heal this country and try to begin the process of bringing it back together.  We've been divided so deeply for so long.

Our first female VP!  And she's a woman of color!  The cabinet picks are amazing as well.  Such a great moment for all children to witness and realize that they too can grow up to be anything no matter their gender, race, identity, etc.  

Let's hope the next four years are much calmer than the last have been.  We wish them well!

God Bless the United States of America


  1. i am so full of emotions today. and i have a feeling that i can't quite place. i think it must be the way people felt at the end of great wars or the fall of communism. it's confusing but it feels so good.

    1. It was just right today. It was something we haven't seen in quite a while. It will be nice to have calm and order back.

  2. it feels like obama's inauguration day all over again. YAYZ!

    1. It did feel hopeful and more about everyone. While he might not be what everyone had hoped for, he's the right man for the right job for the right time in our Nation.

  3. FIANLLY RIGHT??!?!?!?!?!?!?!

    The event on television looks great! I just feels right.

    1. Great way of putting it. It just feels like it's supposed to.

  4. So happy today! Agree with you on every point and what a wonderful picture of the two of them!

    1. I always like casual shots of important people. Makes them so much more relatable.

  5. So you support more wars in the Middle East, higher fuel prices due to dependence on foreign oil, contaminated medicines from China, more rationing of medical services for older people, loss of jobs when manufacturing moves out of the U. S., censorship on social media platforms. You won't be able to afford gas to drive to your little farm. There will be more people injured and killed by illegals. Hope you and your fellow democrats enjoy the end of America. It was great while it lasted.

    1. Well heck, so much for calm.

    2. Wow! Texas Girl ... see it however you choose since you appear to want to live under a dictator ... there are countries you could move to!
      The U.S. has a democratically electric president! It's the way we do ithis here!

    3. Democratically ELECTED president ...

    4. You will find out about dictators after a few years of this new administration. If President Trump had really been a dictator, he would still be in D.C.

    5. We heard the dictator warnings during 8 years of Clinton. Black helicopters coming any day to take guns and let the UN take over. He had Democratic control of Congress for a few of those years. Never happened.

      Heard the same thing during 8 years of Obama. Gun confiscation, martial law, secret internment camps under empty Walmarts, death panels, never happened. And he too had Congress for a time.

      Ironically under Bush and the Patriot Act (after 9/11) with the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security and all that entails (airport security, surveillance, etc), you lost more of your privacy rights that you ever did under Democratic presidents.

      As for gas, don't buy into the gas price meme. Obama's 8 years in office had a gas price average of $2.97 gallon and during Trump's 4 years in office, the average price was $2.49. It should be noted that during Obama's last year in office (just the year of 2016) it was $2.14, the lowest since 2004 (the end of Bush's first term). So yeah, we'll be able to afford gas to get to the farm. We bought it in 2011 and so for 10 years, it's been fine.

      Your comment about Trump would still be in DC if he were a dictator, wow, I guess the insurrection with Trump supporters shouting hang Mike Pence and storming our Capitol for the first time in our Nation's history while Trump tweeted and watched it all unfold on TV, well, pretty sure in that moment we came closest we EVER have to having a dictator.

      So I hope you'll come back in 4 years when we're still not a dictatorship and say hello. You're always welcome here.

  6. Yes, momentous and a good turn around for our country's direction.

    1. Yes. We still have this terrible pandemic to get through but I have faith now that it's definitely going to be going in the right direction.

  7. I agree with Texas Girl. After 4 years of hate and discontent we are all supposed to put all of that aside and embrace Sleepy Joe? He will be out of there by July with the 25th amendment. Lastly for all of you liberal democrats, remember that old saying: "Don't wish for something, you might get it" The happiest of you are of course the ones with your hands out waiting for the goodies to rain down.

    1. Wow, that's a whole stream of social media memes and conspiracies with a Trump twitter nickname thrown in. We'll be fine. You can hate Biden all you want for the next four years, it's only fair. Just hope you'll come back in 4 years and check in. As I told Texas Girl, you are always welcome. But first come back in August when he's still in office and we'll chat some more and see how things are going. That's six months, we can see what's happening in the country. Peace.

  8. You expressed it beautifully. I am so happy today! I feel like I can finally breathe again. I am so proud of our new President and Vice-President.

    1. Thank you. It's a new day for sure. Breathe it in. You worked hard for it!

  9. Get ready to see our freedom of speech attacked and trampled on as long as democrats are in power. CNN just called for conservative news stations to be shut down. Big tech is attacking American citizens constitutional right to free speech and all you hear are snores from the democrat leadership. I am truly scared and despondent that fascism is the new norm thanks to the Socialist Democratic Party.

    1. If we go back several Presidents, back to the 90's. Let's use 92 when Clinton was first elected. We've had Clinton, Clinton, Bush, Bush, Obama, Obama, Trump. Actually we could lump in the one term of Bush Sr as well to make it even. That's 32 years of administrations. Interestingly, that adds up to 16 years of a Democrat and 16 years of a Republican. We've never become a fascist nation. You'd think if that was the super secret master plan of Democrats, it would have happened during those sixteen years. But it didn't.

      I find it ironic that everyone seems to be so afraid of fascism when historians, political scientists, and residents of other countries who have seen if first hand, they don't seem to realize how close we actually came these last four years. I would have been the first to say that was hyperbole until I watched what happened two weeks ago...the culmination of four years of disinformation and outright lies as well as months of planting the seeds of doubt in the election outcomes ("if I lose it can ONLY be because they cheated" that was the plan from last Summer when that started). It all came to fruition with Trump supporters emboldened by politicians (who ironically now seem to be running the other direction) storming our capitol trying to find members of congress including the VP to execute so their favorite candidate can have four more years after a fair election. If that's not the brink of fascism I don't know what is.

      I would also note that free speech does not apply to private business. The freedom of speech is so that the GOVERNMENT cannot put restrictions on what you can say. A private business like Twitter can decide they don't like what someone says and remove them. If I threaten someone or try to organize people to rob a bank or kill someone or, perhaps, lead an insurrection, then I would expect the consequences. The Supreme Court has already decided this a long time ago. It's that age old phrase about yelling fire in a crowded theater...that's not free speech. Neither is emboldening people to do something illegal like taking over the capitol. Parler allowed that because they were a private business...until the companies that hosted them said "no, we don't want to be a part of that" and they are gone. If they can find a host who is ok with what's on there, they'll be back.

      A lot of people lived the last four years scared and despondent as well. You'll be fine, I promise. We survived four years of Trump (and yeah people threatened us online over the last four years, something we never had in the first 6 years of the blog so I can only assume the divisive rhetoric and rise in online hate is to blame but I try not to share that, we delete those posts and/or emails report their IP to Google. Ironically, back to that free speech misunderstanding it doesn't allow them to threaten us). Please come back in four years and let's see how things have gone. I think you might be pleasantly surprised.

  10. The threats to bloggers is real. Ask me how I know. This was a happy day for me. Thank you for sticking up for freedom and Biden and the rest of us.

    1. It is scary. Glad you are ok. Thank you and hey, we're all in this together.

  11. Wow, you had some very good responses to them. I read so much online usually from my Facebook friends and/or Twitter people and they just spread baseless conspiracies. Heck a week ago they were certain Trump was going to be flying around in air force 1 waiting for Biden to be arrested so he could come back and claim victory. It's just twisted and evil that people promulgated that and people believed it. My grandmother always said 'there is none so blind as those who will not see'. I'm happy for today and hell, it George Bush had run again and won I'd be happy. We just have to get back to something like it used to be. Speaking of Bush, nice to see him today with Clinton and Obama. He's a good man and loves his country. He "gets it". Anyway, here we are let's see how things go. Keep up the good work, love you guys so much. You rock! Janie V

    1. We've heard some very crazy conspiracy theories as well. I hope I made a point when I mentioned all the conspiracies during the Clinton and Obama years. I work in insurance and in the 90's I had customer who told me about how Clinton was preparing to get the US taken over by the UN. They had uniforms and secret bunkers to process people and factories to melt down guns. Sigh. I've heard that phrase and used it as well. You have to get outside your bubble and track down a news story. Can't tell you how many things I've been send on FB and I read it and go "seriously??". I go to google, do a quick search and usually in about 2 or 3 minutes I can find that it's fake. So ironic that 'fake news' became such a thing but about 99% of what they threaten or believe to be true is fake. 'Believe what I say not what you see or hear or read". Sigh. Thanks again for the kind comments.

  12. You summed up the day beautifully. I watched all day with a sense of relief and hope for our country that I haven't felt in so long.

    1. Yay! Thank you and let's enjoy watching the changes back to good. Rejoining the Paris Climate Accords, ending the Muslim ban, trying to reunite the kids separated, stopping the Keystone XL, it's all good stuff. They'll complain for awhile but there will be some new outrage later. And then in the end we'll be better off. Hang in there!

  13. The inauguration was lovely and a great relief after years of fear. You are very patient.


    1. Thank you for this. I started to not reply but I at least have to counter some of the statements that seem too outlandish. And I'm honest when I say I hope they'll come back, they are always welcome at the table. ;-)

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