
Thursday, January 21, 2021


We like to collect things.  Thought it would be nice to occasionally have a post about something we collect.  So to start it out, we have this...

One thing we've had an affinity for is white milk glass.  It's not particularly valuable so that makes it affordable and usually easy to find.  We have these bud vases and planters and some larger vases (in another spot that we use in a different way, we'll share that later).  There are two shelves full of these.  We have about 30+ pieces.

That's just enough that when I see them now I go "oh we already have that one".  It's hard to find new ones but I still look on occasion.  I think most of them have been found and thrift stores and a few were given to us by friends who knew we liked them and those always hold a special place.  I used to put all the bud vases in the middle of the table with carnations in them, so pretty and colorful.  The white contrasts nicely with the colors of the flowers. 

It's fun to collect things.  I always said I got the collecting gene from my Grandmother who gave it to my Mom who gave it to me, ha. Grandma used to find something she liked, say, cat figurines for example.  Then she'd just start finding them everywhere until she filled up a bookcase with them.  My Mom loved panda bears and was able to decorate a whole guest room in a panda theme.  So here I am.

With 30+ pieces of milk glass, ha.  

What about you?


  1. The Vintage Hobnail Fenton milk glass is usually worth more; (like your little creamer sitting in front)
    Sitting a table with milk glass pieces makes for a very lovely decor; especially around the holidays, (any holiday)

    1. We have a hobnail bowl that was the bowl my mom ALWAYS put gravy in. Love that bowl. Id isn't know about that. Thanks and yeah, one year on the 4th of July I used red and blue carnations! So pretty.

  2. Sitting odd number of pieces on white cake stand or a silver tray makes for a pretty display

  3. Love the milkglass, they do go with everything. I collect St Nicholas figurines, but only the ones that portray him as a bishop. Otherwise I would be overrun with them. I think I have about 35, most are 4-6" tall, one is 1" tall and four are 8-12" tall.

    1. Now that's a neat collection and very unique. Definitely a conversation piece. Thanks for sharing!

  4. My wife and I used to collect salt and pepper shakers of every shape and description, including lobsters! But the number got too large and our enthusiasm waned, and so we gave up. Roderick

    1. Hey Roderick! Do you still have them all? I bet that would be neat in a cabinet or something. I think S&P shakers are a great collection. But you are right, it's easy to get so much you get overwhelmed.

  5. I hate to dust, so I keep my collecting to a minimum. But I started collecting shot glasses when I was in my late teens because my family traveled in the summers and I wanted a souvenir that was small and inexpensive. I add to the collection every time I take a trip.

    1. Yep, dusting can definitely be an issue, been there done that, ha. Shot glasses! That's a big one too. How fun as memories of where you have been. Thanks!

  6. I collect cream and green enamelware. Most of it is just displayed but there are a lot of very useful pieces. I have a small tinware collection that my husband actually started. I collect galvanized buckets and watering cans that I use out in the garden. And just now I've started collecting expanding honeycomb Valentines from the 1920s that are much more frou*frou than my usual utilitarian collections

    1. WOW! What unique items here too. Thanks for that. OK I had to go google the enamelware, love it, so pretty. And then I googled the honeycomb Valentines from the 20's and wow, those are neat and that's a very unique collection!!!!

  7. the problem is, these collections catch up with us in our old age!

    1. Yep, you are right. Especially the dusting part, ha. But I know what you collect and it's so awesome!!

  8. I collect A&W Root Beer Mugs. I suppose I have about 40 so far. They stayed on top of my cabinets in my house. I collect Santa sleighs, too. I don't have more than 10. They do not have to have Santa in them. Plain sleighs work if they speak to me. I do collect wooden spools, the kind we used on the sewing machine in 50s, not the tall cones.

    The mugs are displayed year round. The sleighs came out at Christmas. The spools are in a bag in sewing stuff. My books are not considered a collection, but the whole 1000 were in bookcases.

    1. A&W root beer mugs? Now that's fun too!!! and 40? Wow. 1000 books? That's awesome! And we're always fascinated how one subject of a collection might be only a certain kind. Like you said, sleighs are what you like but they don't have to have a Santa in them so it's the sleigh you are intrigued by. Love it. You are a collector!

  9. like sadie, we collect shot glasses also. an inexpensive remembrance of trips past.

    1. That's such a great idea and like you said, inexpensive and almost any place you go will have one huh? Cool!

  10. For a time I collected Amish figures, paintings etc. When we downsized I kept one set of a boy and girl sitting on a bench. Somehow I neglected to keep the original 4 figures - a family - that was the start of the collection that belonged to my parents and I would play with. I regret that decision. I also have collected birds and kept a handful of them after downsizing.

    1. Aww, that is a neat story but I'm sorry you let the originals go. I know that meant a lot to you. Bird figurines, I used to have a neighbor that had a bunch it was always so fascinating when I would go over and see them. They are so colorful and pretty. Thanks for sharing!

  11. I love your milk glass collection. Your centerpiece of colorful flowers in milk glass vases sounds really pretty.

    1. It really looks pretty. We use some big ones in a different way, I'll need to get some pictures of that to share. Thank you!!

  12. I wish I had known you collected milk glass . I had a lot of it at Mom's that I could have given to you.

    1. Oh wow, you are so sweet to think about it that way. Well, it wasn't meant to be, ha. ;-)

  13. We like to collect diner ware, that creamy colored heavy dishes and them! Liked your post yesterday.

    1. Oh yes, diner ware!! That's neat. I saw a table in a magazine completely set with that. So neat. And thanks about the post. ;-)

  14. Your milk glass collection is nice! I see a couple of bud vases that I inherited from my grandmother. I also received her 3 tier ruby thumbprint (sometimes called Kings Crown?) tray which started my years long quest to stuff my china cabinet with it. Finally succeeded about 10 years ago when I found a perfect set of 8 dinner plates. I also have boxes of Fire King mugs, plates, bowls etc in the attic that were purchased at thrift shops. And do you remember decorative ceramic hands? My MIL had a couple, I started buying them for her birthdays and Christmases, she had about 60 in a small mahogany bookcase. Guess who inherited them? Yep. I love the bookcase. Hands are in boxes in the attic.

    1. Neat. The bud vases I think are what started our collection ha. I had to google the glassware, wow so pretty! I bet a china cabinet filled with that is pretty!!! Ceramic hands? I googled those too. Neat but I bet a cabinet full of disembodied hands was interesting, ha. We have (posted a few years back but will bring it back in an update) a collection of jadeite. It's not all fire-king, it started that way but then it became more of just being enamored of the color.

  15. I collect T shirts. I pick up a few every time we go on a trip. I have them from all over the world and when I wear one it reminds me of where I got it and it kind of brings that trip back alive for a little while. They are a good way to keep track of places we have been since I retired in 2007. I probably have 300 all together but didn't get to add any to the collection in 2020. It was not a T shirt collecting year, it was little more than a world wide dumpster fire of a year.

    1. T-shirts? What a great idea. And they don't take up much room and you can wear them and use them all the time. 300? That's so neat. Hmm, maybe you should get a 2020 shirt. Something like "2020 came and went and all I got was this stupid T-shirt", ha!!!

  16. 15 teapots ... several cup & saucer sets ... a complete Sake set my son got for me when he was in the Navy! I had to tell folks "no more teapots ... I don't have room for any more!" I have just enough!

    1. That's neat too!! Yeah I can imagine that could get out of control quickly ha. Love the Sake set, I bet it's pretty.

  17. Collections? - Oh yes - many. Dragons and teapots and books and shells and and and.

    1. Dragons? Awesome! I forgot until you mentioned that when I was young I collected shells. Had some really neat ones. not sure whatever happened to those along the years. Wish I still had them.

  18. My mother also collected Milk glass, I remember giving them to her for her birthdays. I use to collect salt cellars, S&P for each place setting as well as butter dishes and Eastlake style furniture. Oh my TABLECLOTHES of all types but I like vintage, I would have lots of dinning functions at the house, from family socials to Waterford, so much great memories. I hang them not fold them. I had to give two large tubs to my daughter for her home. as I needed to downsize, and even now I have More than enough. LOL

    1. Nice!! Some great collections there too. It's funny you mentioned hanging the tablecloths we have a few and 2nd man said we should hang them up. I had never heard of that. But it does work great. Makes me want to have a closet in the dining room, JUST for that. Thanks for sharing!!

  19. I have some milk glass, inherited from my mother. She had a lot, but it was split between my four sisters and me. I guess I collect books because I have loads of them and a few are autographed.


    1. It must have been a lot to split five ways! How neat and what a great memory to have. Book, never can go wrong with books and autographed are even better! Thanks!!!

  20. I had a small collection of Fenton Milk Glass, most of it was wedding shower gifts. After several moves and downsizing I no longer have any of it. I still have two bud vases though.

    1. It's funny how we move and things downsize each time and then we look up and they are almost gone. Hold onto your bud vases, use them and enjoy the memories!

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