
Saturday, January 30, 2021


Today, as this posts (well more or less about the same time, depending on how late I slept, ha), I will be on the mower (I call my Zen Machine for new readers), for my one time Winter mowing.  I do this every season so that I can mow over the dormant weeds and brush that during the rest of the year are green and they are brown and easy to chop up after a couple of freezes.  I also use this time to try and clear some new areas and widen the trails we already have.

After I do this, I'll schedule the pick up of the mower for its annual maintenance which includes...blade sharpening, ha!  New areas cleared, blade dulled by that, blade sharpened, time for Spring/Summer mowing season.  Win/win/win!

I started to save this task for next weekend but I figured it would be better to get this done while the weather cooperates.  Next weekend I'll bring soil for the garden raised beds and finish getting them ready.

I also hope to stop today at a garden center and get a couple of special plants (fruits) for the two galvanized rings I'll be planting in later this Spring.  Remember, we'll have six total but four are already reserved for two each of our two varieties of what will the other two be?

Stand by!


  1. we are expecting 6-9" of snow starting tomorrow. no mowing up here, only snow plowing.

  2. same here...9-12 inches of snow and i am in heaven!!!!

    1. We're so happy you got your snow, how fun. As long as you don't have to get out in it, ha.

  3. Oh enjoy your mowing, I love the Zen machine! :)

  4. Hope you had a good day at the Farm with your Zen Machine. Your winter clean-up mowing is going to give you a great headstart on Spring.

  5. Rained again yesterday morning so with all the snow & the rain that we have had our yard will need to be mowed here before shortly.
    My daffodils are coming up, so I guess it's a good sign that Spring is on it's way. At least here in my area anyway.

    1. One of our fruit trees is budding out too. Spring coming soon, we hope!

  6. My husband didn't call his mower a Zen machine but that's what it was. He used to tell me mowing allowed him to think of ways to settle world problems. Guy thing, he said.

    1. Ha! I haven't solved ALL the worlds problems yet but I'm working on it, haha. Thanks for that it made me smile. Yep, love my time on it (except the mud part, see Monday's post).


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