
Monday, February 1, 2021


You know that popular meme that goes around where they show "how it started/how it's going"?

I finally have one from Saturday.

Yep...that was my Saturday.
Started great.
Sucked at the end.

I had mowed about 30 minutes, cleared some areas and reached the dead end that I always get to.  Instead of doing a three or four point turn around like I USUALLY do (you know, forward, turn, reverse, turn, forward, turn, reverse, etc) I saw the spot above and thought, "oh I'll just drive through here and clear this area and make a u-turn at the same time".

Um, yeah no.  That didn't work.

I dug out around the tires, put down boards, cardboard, hay, tried everything.  Front wheels, back wheels, raised the mower deck, nothing worked.

So I called 2nd Family.  "R" is currently out of town and won't be back until next weekend.  So "J" and her daughter came and we all tried pushing it...we just ended up flinging mud everywhere.  It wasn't budging.

The best solution would be to pull it out.

They have a riding mower AND a large ATV either could pull it out.  Then they realized that both machines are at the front of the carport and "R's" truck (an F250) is parked in front of them and so they are blocked in.  The truck is older and there is only one key...and he has it.

I thanked them for trying to help and walked back to the house. Spent a good two hours trying to get it unstuck.  Oh I forgot to add.  This happened at what could quite possibly be almost the furthest point from the mower shed.  A good 7 acres away.

I also couldn't take my Jeep or any other vehicle back there because this is the only path to get to's about 4 feet wide.  

So I put the cover over the Zen Machine and left it there.  It's really all I can do.  The good news is that there is zero chance of rain this week and it's going to be in the mid 70's and sunny so it should dry out the mud.  It might help it come out when I start it up or even us (with "R's" strong help) push it out.

If not, he'll be back and we'll use their ATV.

  I told 2nd Man an ATV sure would be nice to, um, have for situations like this...yeah, sure, that's it, right?  To unstick the mower when it gets stuck again someday?

Judging by the way he rolled his eyes, I don't think he believed me.


  1. Oh, crap. Stuck is right. Lesson learned; just don't go in places like that again.
    'The mud will wash off, but Oh, the memories will last a lifetime.'
    Hopefully there won't be a next time; but just in case, try using an old set of floor matts or using kitty liter or for more 'horse power' maybe borrow the neighbor's horse to help pull you out of a dirty situation. :}

    Hopefully your week goes better.
    Enjoy your day

    1. Lesson DEFINITELY learned! I like that, the mud will wash off but the memories will last a lifetime. Yep. 110% true. Floor mats is a great idea! And so is kitty litter. Ha, so borrowing their horse would that be "horsepower"? HA!!!!!

  2. I wouldn't believe you either. (wink wink)
    what a crappy situation. hope it gets resolved soon.

    1. I'll work on that ATV. Someday! ha. Thanks, hope so too.

  3. I'm thinking a second key to the truck, left hanging on an inside nail somewhere...

    1. Right? It's always good to have a second key. I bet they change that now, ha.

  4. ugh...that is going to be a mess to clean up even when it's dry. we are in the middle of a three day snow storm here!

    1. I thought about that. Ugh. I have been wondering about you guys. SO crazy all that snow. Enjoy the beauty and stay warm and safe!

  5. You have a great attitude about it all. You tried all you could and knew when to just walk away. Hope it roars to life and climbs right out when you go back to get it! As for having an ATV - we have thought about it so often for so many reasons but it is just another thing we would need to park somewhere....

    1. Hi there!!! Nice to "see" you!!! Thanks, I was a little stressed while it was going on but then just realized it is what it is and not the end of the world. We'll figure out a way to fix it and move on, ha. Hmm, now that IS a good point about the ATV. Gotta have a place to put it.

  6. You know, ATVs have been known to get stuck, too. Just make sure you cram more stuff under the wheels, just in case. Maybe a wider path would be a good idea. That was a long walk!

    1. Now this is true, if it's got wheels it can get stuck, ha. Yes, I hope this weekend with it being dry and I shove some stuff under there we can get it to move on it's own power. And yes, it was a long walk and I had to it six times. I did move the car down the driveway at one point to save a few steps but I only saved maybe an acre, ha.

  7. Sorry your Zen time turned into stuck-in-the-mud time. There was nothing else you could have done to get unstuck. Hoping next weekend goes better and that your mower comes right out.

    1. Not so Zen, right? Ha. Yep, I tried everything I could think of. If they had the use of their ATV I think it would just be a funny story and momentary delay. We'll see what happens this weekend. Thanks!!

  8. I think the ATV is critical for your little farm. Just think of the fun, I mean WORK you could get done with it. I am thinking something like sling blade polo, to clear tall weeds?

    1. LOL, I like how you think. I need to share this with 2nd Man. HA!!!

  9. After I got my truck stuck and spent 3 hours getting it unstuck, my first rule now is 'if the wheels are spinning, stop!' Otherwise you're just digging in deeper. Also those old style zigzag metal shoe scraper/doormats are really good for traction. But not good looking after that!

    1. Thanks, what a great idea. And yep, I didn't realize how much my wheels were spinning at first, it felt like I was moving slowly so I kept trying for about 20 seconds . Enough to dig in deeper. Lessons learned, ha. Thanks!!


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