
Sunday, March 7, 2021


Yesterday was a mostly good day at the farm but more on that tomorrow.

I went by myself because 2nd Man had to work from home but he had been starting some homemade bread the night before and finished it and baked up some loaves while I was gone.

So this morning...

...we had some avocado toast.  Fresh bread with a spread of soft and buttery avocado, some slices of applewood smoked bacon and fresh sprouts.

An avocado, bacon and sprout sandwich.  ABS?
Bacon, sprouts and avocado sandwich.  BSA?

Whatever you want to call it, wow it was so good.

We know you all can't resist a cat picture, especially sweet Hobart.  Here he is doing what he does best.  Sleeping.  We saved these round cushions from the window seat in the house and he likes to sleep on them.  The other day we put "his" afghan on them while we were straightening up and he found it and now that's where he sleeps most of the day.  The sun probably feels great on his old bones. 

Updates tomorrow on the latest from the farm.

Enjoy your weekend! 


  1. Sandwich looks rather good but I'm sure about the avocado considering I have never had one.
    Hobart; what an easy life you have; eat & sleep. Just enjoying the sunshine coming through the window.

    Enjoy the rest of the races & have a great evening.
    I'm enjoying the 65 deg. temperature and enjoying the sun as well. Was able to get some things accomplished outside today.

    1. You've never had an avocado? Oh my gosh it's one of my favorite things. I want to grow some at the farm but haven't done that yet. The races were good (we have a DIRT NASCAR race coming this month, we can't WAIt!!!). Ah a cat's life huh?

  2. Avocado on toast is big where we live. Bacon? Oh, yum. Love old do you think he is?

    1. I think we first heard about it online or something. They are so good. We know how old he is, well down to the month anyway, ha. We found him in a parking lot at a grocery store in January of 2006. The vet said he was about 7 weeks old, so we backed it up...he was born around Thanksgiving 2005. SO he's 15 now and will be 16 this year. The weird thing is he still seems to act like a much younger cat most of the time. Sure he sleeps a lot and moves a bit slower but his personality is that of a 4 or 5 year old cat.

  3. I like avocado but have never had it on toast. I'm good. I may have a Hobart gene since I have been ill because I take two long naps each day!

    1. It's just spread on toast much like you would spread butter or cream cheese. Just that by itself is worth it, sprinkled with a little salt and pepper. Yum. Sorry you are not feeling well, hang in there!! And enjoy those cat naps!

  4. Mmm, that is some fantastic looking toast. Everything that’s delicious is there, including wonderful homemade bread.
    Another sweet Hobart picture. He looks so relaxed and comfortable, soaking up the rays on his cushions and afghan.

    1. Yes, avocado toast, while a popular "thing" in the world for a while, is relatively new to us and we love it. And of course bacon...well that makes everything better.

      Hobart recharges in the sunshine. He's solar powered, ha.


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