
Friday, March 5, 2021


A few weeks ago, I stopped at Tractor Supply while looking for RV antifreeze for the pipes in the house. 

I double masked and went in.  I found the antifreeze right away and then as I was heading to the checkout, I noticed that they had a clearance section.

You know I can't turn down a bargain!

First up was the large wooden sign.  Very vintage looking and it was also large.  About 36"x48".  It's appropriately distressed too.

Price?  $3.50!

Then I found this beauty.  Obviously a leftover from Christmas.  This is metal and it's embossed with raised lettering and images and is almost 5 feet long!

Price?  $2.50!

It was actually on clearance for $5.00 (from original price of $34.95) and when the cashier rang it up it was 50% off because, Christmas clearance I guess?

For now, they'll hang in the barn, well the Christmas one is soon to be in storage loft with other decorations.

I also scored two boxes of farm themed Christmas cards (think Christmas chickens) for $1.00 box and then I just had to pick up a couple of these shopping bags...

We're always carrying things back and forth to the farm and use the heavy-duty grocery shopping type bags which work perfectly.  One of the ones we use now has vegetables on it which is cool because of the garden theme but when I saw this bag I knew we had to have a couple of them to add to our collection.

This is the side of the bag, we love the catchphrase they use..."FOR LIFE OUT HERE".


  1. You certainly scored. I do like that store and tend to go in seasonally just to see what clearance I can find there.

    1. It's a fun store and we don't go often enough, ha.

  2. I have not been in our TSC for a while. Now, I need to go and see what I can find.

    1. I almost always find something there when I do go in, ha.

  3. You really scored Big time on them wonderful items.
    I enjoy stopping at Tractor Supply cause you just never know what you will find on sale.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Yes they were great. I will be stopping more often ha.

  4. Wow, you found some great items - and at great prices! Each of them will be perfect for the Farm!

    1. They'll be great. One especially at Christmas, ha.

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