
Monday, March 29, 2021


Well so Saturday didn't turn out in reality like I had imagined it in my mind.  It was my birthday weekend of course so I figured I'd have a great day of doing the stuff that I enjoy...

Let me run to the shed and get the mower...

NOPE:  Smelled something dead in the wind.  If you've ever smelled that, you know what it is.  I investigated and found that apparently something went under the barn and died.  Great.  I'm not sticking my head down there and shining a light to see what it was.

Let me just have my Zen Machine time...

NOPE:  I mowed for about 10 minutes...then the belt broke.  No more mowing this weekend.  Now they have to come pick it up Monday (closed on the weekends).  

OK well at least I can edge...

NOPE:  Got about halfway through the edging and two (here is one) of the posts that hold the strips of line had broken (worn out) on the Pivotrim head. No more edging now.

Let me go inside and just cool down...

NOPE:  Our one remaining window unit apparently died in the freeze.   It won't work.  Now we have NO air conditioning in the house.  Remind us of that in August.

Well at least tonight we have our local pro-rugby team to watch and root for.  It should be a GREAT game...

NOPE:  We lost.  0 to 32.



Well at least Sunday would be the first dirt track NASCAR race in 51 years, can't wait to see that...

NOPE:  Rescheduled to Monday (when of course we're at work) due to weather/track conditions.

Can I get a do over?  Do I get to skip the age change this year?  Something?  Anything?


  1. Sounds like it just wasn't your day to go to the farm. May better days come your way.
    I think we all have bad daylike that.

    1. Thank you and yep, we all have days like this. Heck, we've all had a year like that, ha.

  2. What you do when you have a bad day..........sit and drink some wine. :}
    There will be better days ahead.

    1. Amen! And wine does take the edge off, ha. We DID open a bottle, of course, we're such lightweights we didn't finish the bottle, ha.

    2. Just a couple of party animals :} About like us here.
      When we celebrated our 50th anniversary back in 2019, Everyone gave us a bottle of wine and it's still all stored away in the wine cabinet.
      Hubby really isn't a wine drinker and I drink very little, so I won't open up a bottle for me when just maybe I may only drink 1/2 - 1 wine glass full.

  3. My goodness ... not a good day for you at all! ☹
    Blame it on the full Worm moon ... so named because it happens at the time that the earthworms [nightcrawlers] start working the soil ... aerating it for the Spring and the growing season!!
    Full Moons can wreak havoc on days and cause many a sleepless night, too!
    Have faith ... it will get better!

    1. YES! I forgot there was a full moon!!! A "Worm Moon" huh? I'll have to check that out. And yep, getting better. Thank you!

  4. well...shit! hopefully 2nd man fixed you a nice birthday dinner and hobart gave you an extra rub/meow. I even gave you a shout-out on my blog!

    1. LOL that made us laugh. Yes, we had a nice dinner and Hobart is always up for some extra loving! Thank you for the post, you rock!!!

  5. If it's true things happen in 3s, and I count 6 here- maybe all the bad is out of the way for a good long while? Super bummer that it was all on your birthday though. I hope your weekend & birthday got better after all that.

    1. I like the way you think. It did get better, thank you much.

  6. Wow -- just wow.. But there are many things that could have gone wrong,and didn't <3 Happy birthday :)

    1. Yes, great way to think about it. Thank you much and thanks for the bday wishes!

  7. hahaha...i hate to laugh but you know, i just have to! i hope at least you ended up having a good birthday!

    1. Hey, it retrospect I laughed as I was creating the post, it's all good. Thank you!!

  8. What a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad weekend! And it was your birthday weekend – even worse! Hoping today was better.

    1. LOL yep. But it's better now. Just need my Zen Machine back, ha.

  9. Replies
    1. Ha, thanks!!! It's all good, I appreciate it.

  10. I'm sorry, but I am laughing so hard. Too many days like this one and it gets funnier the more distance from the happening. My birthday is this weekend and all I have planned is the second Covid shot and having taxes done. I hope it goes better than yours.

    1. It's ok, we have to laugh. And we laughed too. Happy Birthday to you and yay for your second shot!! And hope you get a refund on taxes ha.

  11. Oh! I'm pretty sure you get to skip the age change this year!

  12. Sorry your weekend turned to shit! But Happiest of Birthdays 1st Man! At least they can't take that away from you!!!

  13. Less sentiment, more practicality from me! So what are you going to do about the corpse under the barn? A real challenge, in my opinion. Roderick


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