
Wednesday, March 31, 2021


The garden is growing!

The basil is putting on leaves and getting larger.

This is one of the tomatoes, the "better boy" it's looking great and has gotten taller...

And here is the "Early Girl" tomato, also getting bigger and putting on new growth...

Both eggplants are doing well with new leaves coming in at the tops of both...

I didn't take picture of both but here is the pickling cucumbers, they are tall enough now to start working on attaching to the trellis.

So far so good in the garden...

And in other growing well news, a couple of the blueberries are budding out.  They are the two rabbiteye "Austin" varieties.

We bought a "thai basil" plant and a "jalapeƱo" but that was on the way back from the farm so of course we'll care for them in town until next weekend.

How does your garden grow?


  1. With the warmer temperatures & a bit of rain, everything is really taking off rather nicely.

    Rather chilly and very windy here today
    Have yourself a great day

  2. my garden, which thankfully is no where near being planted, is about to be under snow. the seeds in my grow room are doing great so far!

    1. Snow? Well I hope it's all gone now and you get some wonderful things planted and growing.

  3. We have tons of buds for Meyer Lemon and navel orange ... Orange has been zero producer for probably 5 years ... will be interesting to see if we get ANYthing from it. Both were less than 24" high when we bought them. Lemon has been big producer every year, even though we've had a hard time getting it pruned into shape. It wanted to be a bush with main limbs growing every which direction. Finally have it to maybe 5 main stems growing upright. It's tied with soft gardening twine to stakes ... hopefully it will gain enough strength this year, and we can keep it pruned into a tree shape. The orange ... well, we will wait and see.

    1. SO lucky. That's the one fruit tree we really want but might not be able to grow. More on that in another post. I've seen citrus growing kind of bush like. Hope you get them producing well. Oh the thinks we could do with lemons, ha.

  4. Wow, you have basil and maters already! We are expecting a freeze overnight and chilly temps for the next couple of days, but then I am going out and planting with abandon! My poor seedlings are quite leggy, so I may end up direct sowing after all.
    Looks like you have a great start to some good food! Enjoy!

    1. You'll be there soon enough. And when we're nearing 100 degrees in a. few months, we'll live vicariously through your much milder weather, ha. Enjoy yours!!!

  5. Oh I'm envious!!! It's still too cold here to garden, but wow, I'm most jealous of that beautiful basil plant!!! :)

    1. You'll be there soon. Don't you just love basil? I think it's our favorite herb. Not to mentioned they are probably the easiest to grow.

  6. You have everything growing beautifully! And your blueberries have already settled in and are getting ready to bloom!

    1. Blueberries are doing well, we might get a few this year, not sure. We'll keep our fingers crossed there too.


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