
Friday, April 2, 2021

CUTE OR CREEPY FRIDAY FUNNY I saw these at the store the other day...

 We love a soft boiled egg on occasion and we have a couple of regular egg cups.  I thought these were really cute but I didn't want to make a purchase until I showed 2nd Man.  So I took this picture and when I got home, I showed him.  He said "no way they are too creepy".  When I asked why he said "because you're spooning into an egg to eat the top half of it while the bottom half has the feet of a chick sticking out like it's already partially hatched. 

I never thought about that way.  I just thought they looked cute.

What do you say?



  1. Definitely cute! I would have bought them :)

  2. Really cute - But after Second Man comments - creepy - wouldn't buy..

  3. cute, cute, cute. For me, would had bought a few; if nothing else just for Easter decoration by putting them little stuffed, lifelike chicks in.

    I must say; you do find the cutest items.

    Everyone have a wonderful & blessed Easter and enjoy the weekend.

  4. Totally cute, but then I find zombies cute too lol! ;)

  5. OMG ... they are too cute! If nothing else ... buy one for yourself and let that 2nd guy just use the plain, uninspired egg cup for his soft boiled eggs! LOL
    Happy Easter, you two!! Thanks for such fun blog posts ... you do come up with some fun, great stuff!! 🐰🐇

  6. NO I agree with 2nd man. Creepy!

  7. Creepy. Michaels crafts is selling Easter baskets with little bunnies looking over the edge. Actually just bunny heads attached to the rim. Just what I wanted. An Easter basket with a decapitated bunny rabbit on it.

  8. Tommy said cute unless they started to walk off. I don't like soft boiled eggs, so no attraction or repulsion here. I would put jelly beans in them.

  9. I think they’re really cute, not creepy. They look like something you’d see in a cartoon, so not real in any way. They would bring a little whimsy to your table!

  10. Cute, but that close-up looks like they're advancing in a little headless army to get you.

  11. Cute! Second using as candy holders

  12. Well, given that I HAVE 6 of these, tho mine are all white porcelain (feet not painted yellow) I'm going with cute!


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