
Saturday, April 3, 2021


We went to the farm yesterday instead of today.  Since we were off work and rain was in the forecast for today, we decided to have a rare weekend just to stay in town, rest, read, catch up on some TV, napping, etc. And sure enough, it's raining right now. We definitely made the right decision.

The day at the farm yesterday went much better than last weekend, ha.  I'll have more of an update later.  One nice thing is that 2nd Family gave us a dozen fresh eggs from their hens.  Well, eleven hens and one duck, ha.  They said they are laying like crazy.

Free fresh eggs?  Yes please! 

Hope you are having a good Easter weekend.


  1. Free farm eggs - can’t get better than that! Now you can help the Easter Bunny and dye some eggs! I’ve always wanted to try dying them with natural ingredients like onion skins, red cabbage, beets, or turmeric.
    You could surprise 2nd Man on Easter morning with some dyed eggs in those footed egg cups you saw!

    1. I should have done that but alas, didn't quite time it right, ha. I've always wanted to try natural dyes. That could be fun!

      I think he cups would have scared him, ha.

  2. Seeing that duck egg in the carton makes me miss our ducks! I'm hoping to add them back to our homestead this year. Enjoy all those eggs!

    1. We made a frittata and some scrambled eggs on English muffins. We still have the duck egg and might get a few more. He's thinking of duck egg pasta. They love their ducks that's for sure. They flew off one season after they had grown up and were gone all year. The next year almost all of them came back. And stayed, ha!

  3. Just can't get much better than having farm fresh eggs for Easter breakfast.
    Has been a very long time since I have had a duck egg
    Wishing you all a Very Happy & Blessed Easter.

    1. Thank you very much. Yep we had some scrambled eggs on some English muffins with bacon and hashbrowns. So yummy!

  4. I wish I had chickens to give me fresh eggs every day. Do not boil fresh eggs since the shell will not come off easily.

    1. We didn't know about boiling interesting! Thanks!!! You know we've always wanted them out there but obviously can't long distance. But with their chickens (and ducks) we'll be set for awhile.

  5. Happy Easter! ❤️🌷🐰🐣🐇 🌹💕

  6. I used to have a friend who kept araucana chickens. Loved her gifts of fresh, colorful eggs. If you have a chance to visit my blog, you'll see the plants I've added to my life. I'm eager for more.


    1. Those are the beautiful blue/green eggs right? Gift of fresh eggs is NEVER a bad thing, ha. I just visited your blog, yay for the flowers and plants!!!

    2. Yes, the eggs are pastels. The chickens are commonly known as Easter Egg Chickens.


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