
Monday, May 10, 2021


 It was a good day Saturday.  I got the garden set up for automated watering.  And look, we have veggies coming in.  The plants all look healthy too.

Pickling Cucumbers

The pickling cucumbers are growing like crazy, the vines climbing the trellis.  There are blooms and a couple of tiny cucumbers (click to enlarge).  Exciting to see.


Eggplants bloomed and the blooms went away and now there are tiny little fruits on there.


And of course the tomatoes are doing their thing for sure.  They aren't so tiny either and are looking good.  So far no issues.  Hoping they keep growing.  This is just one of the plants, the other tomato plant has about four on it, all in varying sizes.

The basil plants are still struggling but hoping with regular watering they'll perk up.

Next was time on the Zen Machine...

After two weeks it wasn't too bad and you know I love my time on the Zen Machine anyway.  This was about normal (actually a bit quicker).  I mowed it pretty short, our grass grows quickly and this will allow me to skip a week which will help with planning other yard projects.

And then as you may remember, 2nd Family had ten new babies...


...and here they are!  Getting bigger.

They are in an enclosure for their safety.  I asked "J" if she had picked them up and she said no, Mama is way too protective.  I got in there and tried but this was as close as I could get.  Yes, mama is VERY protective.  She always put herself between me and the babies.  

But still, we could have sat there and watched them for hours.  They are adorable.

It was a good weekend.


  1. Everything is looking Great and you will be busy picking veggies before long.
    Won't be long before you will have to dig out your canning supplies.

    To keep the roots cool and protect from the heat I would lay a little mulch around the root system of your veggies.
    The ducklings sure are growing up fast.
    Have a wonderful day.
    Cloudy here and had just a slight sprinkle of rain early this morning but I do think we will be getting showers
    later on this afternoon and possible chance of thunderstorms this evening.
    Yes, we females are very protective of our young; animals as well as humans.

    1. Yes, I totally forgot to put that down but it's on my list for this weekend. I had to get the automated soaker hose set up done so I could put the mulch over it all but I didn't get that far yet, ha. And I know not to get in the way of a Mama protecting her little ones, animal OR human, ha.

  2. Ducklings are so much fun to watch!
    Your cukes and tomatoes are looking great.

    1. Slow but steady ha. Yes, I love watching them following each other around and the little noises they make.

  3. It's funny that the ducklings aren't colored the same. what breed are they?
    I have a duck egg waiting to be decorated. It's over a month old! I'm afraid when I finally decorate it then pump out the insides it will stink.

    1. Marcia; that is a Muscovy Duck.

    2. Muscovy is what I was going to write, but I wasn't 100% sure but Colleen confirmed it. Not sure about the color but I think it changes as they grow and get new feathers.

  4. Ha, If you tried to touch my babies, you would be rebuffed! I was wondering the breed, too. I know if a cat has two boyfriends, the kittens may have two fathers and look absolutely different. I wonder if this is true for ducks, too. I mean the cat will have a litter of cats where some of the kittens have one father and the other kittens have a different fathers.

    1. LOL! Love it!!! Now that is true about kitties I never thought about that for ducks. Possibly!

  5. Your vegetables are growing so well. Pretty soon you’ll be having fresh veggies for meals and preserving.
    Those ducklings are sooo cute! It’s Duck TV time at the Farm!

    1. Duck TV I could watch pretty much all day. I wouldn't get anything done though, ha. Yes, fingers crossed on the veggies!


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