
Wednesday, May 12, 2021


After the garden and veggie update, here is another part of what I did plus some baby fruits.  Alas, no baby ducks in these pictures, ha.

I got the cherry bushes planted.  For those who may have missed the post about them, you can read about it HERE.  They are Nanking cherries and while not a cherry tree, they are in the cherry family and produce a bush type of cherry that grows in drought, heat AND hard freezes.  Perfect for our crazy climate!

Nanking cherry

We had two planting rings ready to go with the right soil and I planted them.  This one has grown into a "V shape" we're fine with that.  Just planted it and mulched it.  One down one to go.

Nanking cherry bush

This is the second one, it's more of just a straight single stem, we'll see how it develops over time.  It was a bit windy and we were a bit worried but we're willing to let them grow and be strong.


We have four blueberry plants and they all have at least a few berries on them.  We'll have to get some bird netting over them soon.

Mystery fruit

They mystery fruits continue to grow.  There are four on there.  I hope to let them at least grow enough for me to sacrifice one for educational purposes (ha!) to see what it looks/smells/tastes like on the inside.  Then maybe the identity will be revealed.

Anna apple

And look at this!

One of about half a dozen apples on the Anna apple tree.  We're excited about that.  I did harshly prune it recently (more on that in an upcoming post) so it could be that.  Or that PLUS the record breaking cold freeze we had.  Either way, we're happy to have them.  Last year the three we got were eaten during the "Great Goat Attack", ha.  So we didn't get any.  Hoping this is the start of many years of ever increasing harvests!


  1. Looking mighty good. Nice to see that at least some of your plants are producing.
    Hopefully the birds don't get to them blueberries before you get a chance to cover them

    1. We'll take what we can get, ha. Yep, we've got some bird netting pieces from a prior project and I think this weekend as a stopgap measure will drape it over. We also have those little mesh baggies for fruit ripening, might try that too. On the big fruit too.

  2. You know, goats can climb trees. They are great jumpers. I am so curious as to what that fruit could be.

    1. Oh yeah they are climbers for sure and love heights, ha . We hope the fishing line string will keep them out again (more on that in an upcoming post). Depending on how big it is this weekend, we might sacrifice one. We'll see. Stay tuned!

  3. Leave that Mystery Fruit alone!! I want to see it in all it's curious glory when it's ripe & juicy.

    1. Well, we do have several of them, we're just afraid something might get them all before we do, ha. We'll leave them all as long as possible. :-)

  4. the mystery fruit leaves sure look like peaches so maybe it is a nectarine?

    1. Yep, it's very peach like and since we bought it as a "peach" they obviously thought it was when they labeled it. Their leaves are exactly he same. We'll see soon!

  5. Do you have a county extension agent whom you could email pictures of the mystery fruit?

    1. You know I never thought of that. Thanks, might just do that.

  6. So wonderful that your fruits are doing so well! You’re going to have an amazing variety of fruits.

    1. We hope so. Just hoping they'll get bigger over time. By the time we're out there all the time they should be just right, ha.

  7. Looks great! I watered well last night, which guaranteed heavy rain. The grass and flowers really needed it.


    1. I got my car washed today so yeah, we're probably guaranteed rain too, ha. But yes the grass and flowers here too really need it.


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