
Friday, July 16, 2021


 Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock where people can put the things they don't want.  I've found quite a few cool items over the last few years.

Here is one of the latest!

(*Farmshark at the end of this post)

These are fun ones!  Decorative fleur-de-lis designs.  They were all stacked up and sitting in a cardboard box.  In fact at one point I thought it was just one large one or a couple.  Once I pulled them out of the box I realized there were four of them.

They are a very heavy cast iron in a dark bronze color.  We were trying to figure out what they were originally used for.  Since they are flat on the backside and heavy, we were thinking doorstops?  Or maybe bookends?  Or perhaps they are just decorative objects?

I immediately thought about them becoming something decorative in the garden or yard instead of the house.  Maybe they could be painted in bright fun colors?  They could be really cute pops of color in a future planting of bushes or flowerbeds...

And now for today's Discovery Channel Shark Week contribution...

Now you see why I didn't mow this part of the driveway...beware of the FARMSHARK!


  1. What a great treasure.
    I think you are right. The ones you have I believe are used mainly as door stoppers & can also be used as bookends or just to sit around as a decorative piece

    1. Yeah, that's kind of what we figured. Definitely could be a doorstop. I think they'll be pretty in the garden somewhere ha.

  2. I'm thinkin outside they would rust pretty quickly ... sign me Debby Downer...

    1. Thanks a lot Debby, ha! Just kidding. You are right, we'd definitely need to put some rustoleum type paint on them.

  3. I have cast iron railings on my front steps and in the back yard leading to the upper patio. Other than a wipe with naval jelly and a bit of paint every few years they show no signs of rust. I say paint them bright colors and enjoy them in the garden!

    1. Thanks, we think they'll be pretty focal points tucked into a future flower bed. I'll be on the lookout for some fun colors. Definitely yellow and bright red.

  4. Outdoors sounds like a great place for these. Rust can be prevented or fixed! The iron railings on my steps to the side yard survived for many years.

    1. Thanks, as I recall my grandparents has an iron railing on their steps and I think they were just cleaned up a bit every once in a wile and lasted for a long time.

  5. are the luciest dumpster divers i know!

    1. Ha, I don't even post all the stuff I find, for example the other day I got a great oscillating stand fan. PERFECT shape. I'll use it in the barn at the farm. I think being in an apartment building, so many people are moving in and out and since the loading dock area is where they load or unload, it's easy to just have something and go "do we want to move this?" or conversely, "do we need to carry this up or just get rid of it now?". Either way, our win. ha.

  6. Replies
    1. Ha, the funny thing is I read it that way. ;-)

  7. A wonderful find! Paint them with Rustoleum to keep them from rusting. Maybe place them, back to back, on the posts by your garden gate.

    1. Oh that could be a good idea. I'll have to see if there's a place for that. Definitely some rustoleum, that stuff works miracles, ha.

  8. I am amazed at all the great Treasures you find.

    1. Well hello! And thank you, we think sometimes people just move in or out and don't want to deal with something and just dispose of it. I DO pass on some things from time to time. I have to think we'll have a use for it before I'll take it.

  9. Ha ha ha ha!!! I LOVE Shark Week!!! I haven't had a tv in over a decade but I try to find the shows online! Your Shark Week art is fantastic! And what a great find with those fleur de lys! People really get rid of nice things sometimes!! Great treasures!

    1. Isn't it fun? This year some great shows. I'm sure they'll be online somewhere. We're amazed that people get rid of things but then again, when we moved, we sat some things we didn't want out on the curb in front of the house, and it was always gone in a couple hours. Maybe we're getting some Karma finds back to us, ha.



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