
Sunday, July 18, 2021


It's been a quiet weekend.  Today I went downstairs to pick up our vanilla beans that were delivered.  The other day at lunch I bought a bottle of vodka so I'd be ready for the beans when they arrived...

Making vanilla extract with Vanilla Bean Kings

...and I started a new batch of vanilla extract.  Regular blog readers know this is a routine thing for us.  Instead of me repeating the instructions, CLICK HERE for a post from the last time we made it.  It has all the directions and links.  Great news too, the price for a batch of vanilla beans has come way down from where it was a year ago.

It takes just a few minutes to start it and then a couple of months of waiting to get the end result.

Hobart sleeping in the sun

And it's Sunday so that means Hobart time.  Here he is, trying to sleep on the bed in the sunshine (we can't make it when he's comfortable, ha). I say "trying to sleep" because I went in to take pictures and he kept waking up.  As you can see here in this picture, I think he's giving me the "side eye"!

Hope you're having a good weekend!


  1. Some delicious homemade vanilla being made for some delicious baking! Mmm!
    Hobart doesn’t seem to appreciate your photographic efforts. His look seems to be saying
    “Ok, but hurry up. Can’t you see I’m trying to get in my 20 hours of sleep here?!”

    1. Exactly! He opened his eye and just stared, ha. He probably does sleep about 20 hours, ha.

  2. I lost my vanilla I made using rum. It was about ready when my house was destroyed.

    1. Oh man, sorry about that. I haven't done it with rum but that sounds good.

  3. I have used Bourbon to make a darker extract. Works well in baking chocolate type goodies and in vanilla ice cream. I need to check the links to see what is suggested. Thanks!

    M in NC

    1. Well hello and thanks for letting us know this. I never thought about that but that might be a nice thing to have as well. Bourbon is wonderful in some desserts, that's a good idea. Thanks!!

  4. Each year I look at your post and decide to make some and each year I don't. This year I clicked on the link you provide and now I have beans and vanilla bean paste headed my way. Can't wait, especially since I use a lot of vanilla!

    1. YAY! Hope you enjoy. I need to go check your other comment I think you asked a question there.

  5. I love the scent of vanilla extract. When I wear cologne, it's usually vanilla based.


    1. I asked this question on the post from last year and then realized I should ask here: Tahitian or Madagascar vanilla beans? Or does it not matter?

    2. I've always liked men's colognes that have a vanilla base as well. A coworker told me used to know someone who just used straight up vanilla extract dabbed on her neck, ha.

    3. There is a difference, from what I've researched on different sites, Madagascar is supposed to make the very best vanilla extract. That's all we've ever ordered. I think each, coming from a different area, makes a slightly different tasting vanilla extract but you know it's probably like wine tasting, "notes of flowers and rainbows and whatever" LOL. But I figure if all the big vanilla extract brands use Madagascar, that's what we'll use, ha.

    4. Thanks! Now I'm ready to place my order.

  6. Cool beans, thanks for the inspiration ! 💕


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