
Tuesday, August 17, 2021


 When we got to the farm a month or so ago (before the mower incident, ha), we saw these holes in one part of the yard.  I mowed and in this spot I mowed really short because we wanted to figure out what they were.

Our first thought was hoof prints, but we looked closer and they were too deep and random for that.  It seemed to be holes that were dug by some animal... 

We're in Texas so of course feral hogs are a possibility but none have been seen in the area and certainly 2nd Family would have had some damage since feral hogs are crazy destructive.  We're guessing it could be something else common to Texas, an armadillo.

Armadillo, image via

For those unfamiliar with this prehistoric looking animal, they are prolific across the Southern US.  They are harmless but, as you can see in our pictures, if that is what did it, they can mess up yards and flowerbeds.

There haven't been any holes since these.  I was going to put the trail cam in the spot where they were and see if I could catch it but the holes stopped.

Still not sure that's what did it though...


  1. It could be almost anything but I would say that it's either Moles, pocket gophers, ground squirrels and prairie dogs are all animals that live in underground burrows and may damage your yard or garden.

    1. Contact the Houston Wildlife Control in your area and see if they would come out and set some traps for you.

      There be someone closer to the farm that might be willing to come out and set some traps.

      Keeping Dillos out of your yard.
      Go to the store and buy the largest container of Cayenne pepper you can find and try it as suggested in the link article.

  2. I would guess armadillos digging for grubs. I live in a suburban area and we noticed holes like that in the front yard then a large hole in the back yard. Critter Catchers set a trap and caught 2 armadillos, a possum and the neighbors cat. We released the cat but let the critter catchers take the others and release them elsewhere.

  3. They aren’t regular enough to be tracks. I agree, they were probably made by armadillos. Looks like the same kind of holes I had in my yard when I lived in the country.

  4. How big are the holes? Tough to judge from the photo but could be ground hornets. We've had them here at our place before. If that's what it is look out....they are aggressive.

  5. I am relieved because when I read "holes," I was thinking sinkholes.

  6. Please do put the camera up! What if it came back and you missed it?!

  7. And I just have to add, not QUITE harmless. Armadillos carry leprosy, which humans can catch from them. DO NOT touch them or the cage if you trap them.

    How do I know this fun fact? I've been diagnosed with something called Arthritis Mutilans, which causes me to lose parts of my fingers - they need to be amputated, they don't fall off like you see in movies. Anyway, iy tiik 17 Drs in 3 states to diagnose this because it's so rare, and one of the things they asked about was whether I'd been in contact with an armadillo. So be careful!

  8. Hard to tell the size of the holes, but one thing that *didn't* make them - feral hogs. These are far too neatly done. If it ever looks like a bulldozer has been there, it would be very likely they passed through.


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