
Thursday, August 19, 2021


   Thursday special!

On Fridays in the past, we have done a "Friday Food Debate" where we tackled some burning questions of the culinary world, ha.  We have expanded it now to other fun and different regional uses of words in addition to food related words. We haven't done one in awhile so for Thursday, we'll bring it back.  We know everyone enjoys it so...

This week, the burning question is:

Recently at work, I was speaking to a customer on the phone and she mentioned the "icebox".  Both of my grandmothers called it that.  Then I was talking a few days later with a friend on the phone and noticed they said "refrigerator" and after I thought about it, I realized I rarely said the whole word.  More often than not, 2nd Man and I both just say "fridge".

So that got me to thinking, what is most common?  Seems like icebox can be more age related and/or up North/Northeast.  I know it's related to how they started, literally a box with a block of ice that cooled things as it melted.  The most common term is the shortened version, fridge.  Heck, there may be other names out there we've never heard of.  I remember a person on a TV show used to say "fidgerator" every single time (not even sure how to spell that).

So what do YOU call this essential kitchen appliance?


  1. All depends on day of the week, but Fridge mostly.
    Refrigerator when I'm unpacking groceries it goes in the refrigerator

    1. I think we say fridge still 90% of the time. But when we were looking for a new one recently (hoping to replace the one in the apartment here) we said "we need to look at refrigerators", ha.

  2. Kinda depends on who I'm talking to,or what mood I'm in.. Fridge usually . I'm in Texas

  3. Fridge for the most part, but I do use refrigerator also.

  4. Only refrigerator, never fridge. We actually had an icebox when I was small.

    1. Cool, someone who says it correctly all the time, ha.

  5. Fridge for me most of the time, however, refrigerator is thrown in occasionally when needed. I can remember the iceman bringing blocks of ice when I was only 3 or 4 years of age in Illinois. On Saturday the 21st I shall be 78!

    1. I live in southern Illinois and I know icebox was used a lot when I was a kid (I'm 57) and I still hear it fairly often. I say fridge most of the time, myself. But I throw in refrigerator on occasion.

    2. Belated birthday wishes! Hope you had a wonderful day!

    3. What? Birthday yesterday? YAY! Happy Birthday!!! We hope you had a wonderful day.

  6. When I was a kid, it was always an ice box. So now, it's sometimes a refrigerator, sometimes it's an ice box.

    1. Same for me in Indiana!!

    2. I hear icebox more often than I realized. There's two votes for that!!

  7. I think I use refrigerator more than fridge. And then there's frigerator (fridgerator?) that makes an appearance sometimes. It depends on my mood - some days I just can't with all the shortening of words to 1 syllable lately.

    1. Oooh I never thought about just "Fridgerator". I just realized I do say that from time to time. Oh and yeah, SO many words now (usually the younger people starting it) shortening words.

  8. We called it the fridge or the "Frigidaire" when we were feeling fancy. My little brother called it the "fidgertator".


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