
Sunday, November 14, 2021


 It's a beautiful Sunday.  Well, yesterday was equally beautiful.  We absolutely love this time of year.  It's Sunday and that also means it's time for some good food and some Hobart love!

Pork with gravy and rice

I picked up some pork tenderloin at the market and 2nd Man cut them into medallions, seasoned them, cooked them and finished them off in gravy and then served it over rice.  SO good on a cool and breezy day.

Hobart in his warm spot

Here is Hobart showing once again how spoiled he might be.  We can tell when he's cold and needs warmth (he's almost 16 so he likes to be warm).  So when he's not in the mood for a ray of sunshine, he will often go to the front of the refrigerator and lay down.  That's where the warm air blows out.

So what do we do?  Move him out of the way?  Of course not!  We put his afghan in front of it so he can sleep there and be both warm AND comfortable.  Plus this way, we can have him at the right distance to still be able to open the refrigerator.


Not spoiled at all.

Hope you are having a good weekend.


  1. The meal looks so good and Hobart sounds a lot like our Jet. He too may or may not be really spoiled.

    1. Love the name "Jet". They may or may not be but we all know the truth right? Ha. We have to spoil them. That's the nature of living with a cat, ha. Thanks!!!

  2. Hobart is a beautiful cat! My son got out of bed to sleep in front of the refrigerator when he was a baby. I can taste that food from here.

    1. Aww, thanks for that. Wow, that's interesting about your son, we had never heard about kids doing that. Though, my grandparents lived in a house with vents in the floor and I'd take naps next to them in the Summer for the a/c and winter for the heat ha.

  3. That plate of food looks sooo delicious! Comfort food.

    Hobart is one smart cat. He knows how to make his life comfortable. He looks so comfy on his afghan in front of the refrigerator. He is such a handsome boy.

    1. Oh yes, wonderful comfort food for sure. He makes his life comfortable with our help ha. Thanks, he's a handsome black kitty. We don't even think he looks his age, he moves a bit slower and we have steps at the end of the bed so he can come up and down but otherwise, we often forget he's "elderly" (by cat age definition). He still acts like a kitten from time to time.

  4. Hobart deserves all that care. The meal looks delicious.


    1. Ha, he would agree with you. Thank you for that. And yep, we ate well with that meal, ha.

  5. Replies
    1. Right? But they are worthy of it all, ha. Thanks!!


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