
Saturday, December 18, 2021


No farm is a monsoon here right now in town and in the radar image below...

...the farm is the red pin in the middle, yikes!  2nd Family said it's pouring rain.  Good for the collards and garlic and fruit trees so we're ok with that.  Tomorrow will be the day to head that direction.

Here's the view from the apartment, the heaviest weather is coming this way.  Good day to do some laundry and then relax a bit this weekend...


  1. A rainy day is a sign to make a pot of soup and relax inside. Enjoy!!

  2. yikes! it has lightly rained here all day. and it's 60 degrees. and it's almost xmas. so weird.

  3. We had a few drizzles and 73F. Stay dry!

  4. Good idea to just stay home today. That cold front came in wild, windy, wet, and cold. It had been very warm and humid before and then the temperature dropped like a rock. I got 1.5 inches of rain. My garden is happy as yours is.
    Tomorrow is soup day!

  5. Had very light rain here; just enough to get our walkway and decks wet; but man oh man was it ever windy and cold.
    Between myself and my hubby, we're busy making nesting boxes & houses for the birds, giving them protection during the cold, wet, freezing months of winter.
    Have a great day and stay safe.
    Keep the rubber side down and shining side up.


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