
Monday, January 24, 2022


It was cold this weekend, at least it was sunny but it was cold.  Inside the house (remember, no heat) it was 37 degrees when I got there.  On the porch it was 50's.  The sun was shining and it felt better out there, ha.

But I did a bit inside, mainly declutter, dust, and vacuum the bedroom floors and dead bugs in the windowsills, ha.

Here are a couple of pictures of the master bedroom...

This is from one corner looking back toward the other side of the room.  That area on the other side of the half walls was an add on by the previous owner.  We currently use it as an area to keep all of our crafting supplies.  One side has storage boxes and all sorts of cubbies for things and there is a giant bulletin board on the other side with a matching lower cabinet below it.  The two chairs are just some extras we had and it seemed like a good place to put them.  The middle table is a file cabinet end table/stand that we brought from town when we sold the other house.  So few people have a need for file cabinets nowadays (with everything digital) and that's why we decided to keep it.  We print out things we find online, articles from magazines, recipes, etc and keep them in there.

Then I walked over to that opening between the two areas that you just saw and turned around to take a picture back the other direction.  The open doorway goes into the living room and toward the kitchen.  The door on the left side of the mirror is the (tiny) closet and the door on the right side is the (tiny) bathroom.  The windows are just off camera to the right.

We went with a blue and white color scheme here as you can tell.  This is the room where this corner shelf is with the few blue and white pieces we have.

Hope you enjoyed the mini tour.  Whatever we end up doing with the house, we'll keep our blue and white colors in the room because we find it relaxing and calming...and besides where else would we put it, ha.


  1. Things just degenerate when the house gets that cold. I love the bedroom. It looks soothing. I really like blue and white anywhere, anytime. My friends have a kitchen wall full of flow blue that I love. I think that the impact of a collection looks better than having it spread out. Is that a blue jean quilt on the bed?

    1. Thank you! It's funny, in my younger days, I wasn't big on blue in decorating. But it grew on me and now I just find it so calming and relaxing. We'll have some more blue and white stuff to add, it's in storage. Good eye! I'll have to post on that. Yes, from my grandmother, made of denim sections from my grandfathers clothing. It's a great story I'l have to share. I'll get some closeup pictures soon. Good idea.

  2. I really like the master bedroom with the sitting room off to the side. Very nice!

    1. Thank you. It does make a great little area. I've sat there several mornings when we've stayed overnight out there (back when we had a/c and/or heat, ha) and listened to the birds.

  3. that's a wonderful room! i love the wooden propellers, is there a story behind them? and is that a denim quilt top? very nice!

    1. No big story, they belonged to my dad, he love airplanes and used to build large radio controlled planes (these weren't from those). The big top one is an actual antique vintage plane propeller he found somewhere once upon a time. The smaller one it a mystery that sadly, passed with him. But he always had them hanging up and we wanted to make sure we put them up there. They look cool too, ha.

      Another question about the quilt. Yep, I'll get some close up pictures next time I remember it and create a post with the back story.

  4. It looks peaceful. Thank you for the mini tour.

  5. Very, Very nice. Great tour.
    I did notice that wonderful wood ceiling as well as the wood floor. Really gives the area that rustic feel of an old farmhouse. The blue and white design goes so well in that room and really looks nice with that old bedframe.
    Darling little craft area as well.
    Thanks for the tour.

    1. Thanks for that. Yes. The wood ceiling is only is that edition. That section was actually an add on by the lady who we bought the house from. She like that look and we do too. We hope to keep that or something similar to it. Bedframe we love it's from Ikea. Reminded us of those old iron bed frames. Thanks!!

  6. The room is lovely. The choice of colors is soothing and restful.


    1. Thank you, restful is a good way to describe it. Calming and soothing for sure.

  7. Y’all have created a very relaxing and comfortable room. Your collection of blue and white on the white corner shelf makes a lovely display. The sitting-craft area makes it spacious and brings in more light.
    You and 2nd Man have turned your farmhouse and property into a very charming country retreat.

    1. We'll have more eventually from storage. Thanks for the kind words. It may not look great on the outside and needs a new roof and update plumbing and siding etc, but we hope we've done a good job keeping the inside nice and restful. Now we may have to pack it all up and put it in storage but we'll have it for the future. Thank you!!

  8. Haven't been around in a while, glad to be back. If memory serves me right I think I sent the blue egg (& glad you still have it). Or, maybe not. My memory doesn't always serve me correctly.

    1. HELLO!!!!! Oh my gosh, nice to 'see' you back. Thanks for checking in. Your memory is good, that's exactly right. And of course we have it, it's special. A couple of the others were sent to us by a blogger (who sadly passed away). We'll always keep those things special. Thank you and thanks again for checking in. I need to go visit your blog and see what the latest is. :-)


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