
Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Was at the store one day and saw these.  We love the Frick's hams and we usually buy their "carver hams" but they sell these too...look closely at the name, they call them "BISCUIT HAM SLICES".

Of course they are round thick slices of ham...perfect for frying up in a pan...

Making some homemade biscuits...

And putting them together into one glorious food moment, ha.  We made extra and froze them, we're going to see how they warm up in the microwave for a quick homemade breakfast.

2nd Man is still loving his Lodge 'biscuit pan' as he calls it now.  That's what we use it for all the time.


  1. YUM. Homemade biscuits and ham sandwiches are a meal in itself; for me anyway.
    The packaged ham must be an HEB item cause I haven't seen that in the grocery store that I go to most often
    Enjoy your evening. Stay safe & stay Warm.
    It's 33 deg. at the moment

    1. I did get it at HEB but it's not an HEB brand. Frick's says they sell at Kroger too but I don't know. Stay warm again for you, cold weather coming end of this week.

  2. yum! of all the food i make for my workers, breakfast sandwiches are their favorites.

    1. Breakfast sandwiches are such a good meal to start the day. . And we KNOW yours are amazing.

  3. This is cruel since I have not had breakfast and it is noon. Now, I want ham and biscuit! They look delicious!

    1. Ha, sorry about that. They were really good.

  4. I have never seen Frick's ham before, but these slices are perfection! Lovely biscuits!

    1. They say they sell all over the place. Their carver hams are SO good. This ham is delicious too and it's just convenient to have them in this form for quick meals.

  5. That pan of 2nd Man’s biscuits is absolutely mouthwatering! Add in a slice of ham and it becomes even more delicious! Mmm! I’ll have to look for those biscuit-sized ham slices in the grocery store.

    1. HEB has them, in the section with the larger ham slices, near the end of the meat section. The biscuits are always so good and in his cast iron are just perfect.

  6. We often have Breakfast for Dinner at our house in the Fall/Winter. I do make sausages Italian Hot, Italian Sweet abd Breakfast. So easy to do! And they are patties!;)

    1. Love the idea of making your own sausage patties. We'll have to look up some recipes for that. Thanks for stopping by and sharing a comment! We appreciate it.


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