
Friday, January 28, 2022


 The other day, 2nd Man texted me at work and said "do you want breakfast for dinner?  I was thinking of making waffles and sausages?"

Waffles and sausage

So we had waffles with maple syrup, whipped cream, toasted chopped pecans and sausage links.  It was a great choice.  It was very good and oddly satisfying on a cold weeknight after work.  We often do this.

When I was growing up, Mom would often make pancakes for dinner or sometimes bacon and eggs, even oatmeal and bacon.

Breakfast for dinner?
Weird or do others do this too?


  1. Yummy! First off; the waffles and sausages looks delicious. I'm more of a fan of sausage patties than links. I had some bad tasty links one time and never looked back.
    On the flip note; Breakfast is Good Anytime of day; morning, noon or night.
    Waffle, compared to pancakes; waffles are like a syrup trap; traps all delicious maple syrup, fruit in the little square openings.

    1. Sauteed Bananas would be wonderful to put on top or waffles

    2. I know what you mean about having something bad, it can ruin an item for a long time, ha. We like all types of sausage, so far, ha. Breakfast is always good isn't it? And yes, if I have to choose pancakes or waffles, I'd vote for waffles, lot those little nooks and crannies. And um, yeah, the bananas would be amazing. I'll have to remember that. Thanks!

  2. Yummy! I'd love breakfast for dinner/supper/lunch. Once I mentioned making fried egg sandwiches on a night neither of us wanted much, and the grazing in the refrigerator was sparse. OMG you'd have thought I suggested barbecuing one of the cats - "fried eggs are for BREAKFAST!!!"

    1. OMG that is too funny! A fried egg sandwich is always so good. I guess that means you didn't get it at all. And grazing the fridge, we do that all too often, ha.

  3. My kids and now my grandkids love having breakfast for dinner.

    1. Passing it down to the next generations. That's awesome!! My parents taught me how good it was, ha.

  4. We had sausages and scrambled eggs for dinner last night, with broccoli! We needed to use the eggs. Roderick

    1. YUM! Great idea, and you know we love broccoli. I'll have to remember that next time. I bet that's delicious.

  5. Why not? I eat pizza for breakfast.... Enjoy!

    1. HA! Great point. Pizza for breakfast is the bomb!!!

  6. I like pancakes or waffles sometimes for dinner, but never eggs!

    1. Interesting. A vote for breakfast but no eggs. Does that mean you just don't like eggs at all anytime or just dinner? ;-)

  7. We have breakfast for dinner at least twice a month in the Fall/Winter. It is so comforting, isn't it?
    I usually make my own Italian, sweet Italian, and Breakfast.

    1. Such good comfort food for sure. Love the idea of making our own sausages, I'll have to look up some recipes for those. Thanks!!

  8. When my daughter was home, we use to sit a dinner plan for the week she would always ask for some type of breakfast food for her choice. So we had it once a week until she left, and we still have it once in a while. So I say great choice

    1. Aww, that's neat. I like that, almost a tradition. Thanks for sharing!!

  9. We have breakfast for dinner often. In fact, I made it last night. We had breakfast bowls: breakfast sausage(without the casing), scrambled eggs, tortellini, tater tots, shredded cheese. Sometimes I add bacon. Sometimes I use pierogi instead of tortellini and tater tots. YUM!!!!

    1. Oh my gosh breakfast bowls sounds wonderful! I'll have to show 2nd Man and tell him I want this! Ha! Thanks!

  10. Those waffles look soooooo crispy and delicious! And pecans on whipped cream--very fancy!
    We ate breakfast for dinner a lot more when the kids were young. Whole-grain pancakes and bacon plus a fruit cup was an easy, healthy meal.

    1. Ha, thanks. We do like them crispy. They are soft and fluffy inside and we set the maker to be more on the crispy side. Fruit with breakfast is always good. Great idea with the whole grain pancakes too. Thanks!

  11. I love breakfast for dinner. Tommy said the only breakfast for dinner he has ever had is when he came home for work late and wanted to go to bed and ate a bowl of cereal. My breakfast for dinner meal is scrambled eggs and a sausage patty. Twenty years ago, I would have a piece of toast wrapped around the scrambled eggs. Oh, yeah, chunks of cheese in the scrambled eggs and a glass of milk. I like scrambled eggs and a glass of milk anytime.

    1. Hey we often have bowls of cereal too, ha. We love toast with scrambled eggs and hey, cheese makes everything better. Of course so does bacon, ha. Tell Tommy he's missing out.

  12. Your waffle with pecans, syrup, and whipped cream looks fantastic! I love breakfast for dinner - I had it tonight. I was tired and there weren’t any leftovers, so scrambled eggs with potatoes was my supper.

    1. Scrambled eggs and potatoes is easy and good. Put some on flour tortillas too, ha.

  13. Just found your blog and am enjoying it very much! Breakfast for dinner is always a wonderful idea. Yours looks delicious!

    1. WELL HELLO!!!!!! Welcome!!! We hope you have fun and stay around. Another vote for breakfast for dinner, thank you!!!

  14. Bacon, eggs, and pancakes for dinner???? Yes, please.

    1. We like how you think!!! Thanks for stopping by!!!

  15. We do breakfast for dinner once or twice a month. So not weird to me at all.

    1. We don't think anyone has said no so far. I guess it's more common that people realize. I think it's a couple times a month (maybe three) for us too. keep on enjoying!!! :-)


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