
Sunday, January 30, 2022


It's been a nice weekend.
Cold of course, but clear and beautiful.

2nd Man had to work again and it is the time of year when there is not much to do at the farm.  I went out to prep some things for a possible freeze later in the week.

Pan seared pork chops

We had some nice, thick pork chops I found at the store the other day.  He pan seared them and turned the drippings into a sauce.  Then we had our favorite lemon pepper broccolini on the side.  Currently, there is banana bread in the oven and it smells heavenly.


Here's a cute picture of Hobart.

I wish it was clearer but by the time I got my camera, he looked up at me and I could tell he was about to get up...I had to click fast, ha.  He frequently lays down and crosses his front legs.  It's so cute when he does that.  It always looks like he's just so relaxed...he just needs a book to read, ha.

We'll catch up on comments later today/tonight.

Hope you are having a good weekend!


  1. You two are adorable! I can't remember if you have told your readers how long you have been a couple or how you met, but it would be wonderful to be told (again, if necessary). Roderick

    1. Aww, thanks for that. It's been more than 20 years now. I will have to make a post about that. It would be nice. We will do that soon (maybe for Valentines Day!). Thanks Roderick.

  2. Does just pan searing pork chops cook them all the way? I find pork chops get tough for me. Is that over cooking? It looks like a lovely meal.

    1. I'll have to get his advice on that for you. I'd ask now that I'm replying to these but he's fast asleep, ha. And I don't want to not reply to this comment and have you wonder why. I'll see what tips I can get from him. :-)

  3. Lovely meal. My cat does the same thing crossing his paws. It's just too cute.

    1. Thanks. And isn't that pose just the cutest thing? We love it!

  4. I just cooked a pork chop, low and slow! It was well-seared and tender. The misty look for him suits him with all his fur.

    1. Low and slow is good. We love a good pork chop. And yep, never thought about that but he does look "ethereal" ha.

  5. the pork chops look good! I am awful cooking them I dry them out every time! Sweet kitty.

    1. Another question about that. I'll get 2nd Man to give us his tips soon. Thanks for stopping by!!

  6. There’s some bad weather coming this week. With 100% chance of rain tomorrow. And then it’s going to get COLD starting Wednesday. That was a good idea to make your preparations at the Farm while it’s sunny and just a bit chilly.
    2nd Man made a delicious meal for you to come home to. And banana bread too - mmm!
    Hobart always has the cutest poses! He is such a sweetie!

    1. Yep, really bad tomorrow. Then cold at the end of the week. I wrapped the outside faucets but I didn't drain the pipes. Not sure what we'll do on that. Cross our fingers, ha.

  7. That pork chop sure does look delicious and Hobart; you look so sweet laying there like that.
    Don't know about anyone else; but I bring the chops to room temperature first, before searing. Thy cook better by leaving them at room temperature for 30-45 min.
    Do same with other cuts of meat as well. I season with salt about 30 minutes before placing in the pan. After seasoning with salt, I give them a good rub down with my homemade pork rub before placing in the pan.
    Once one side is brown, turn them over; turn down the heat, cover, and let them cook; slow and easy like. Something you just have to be gentle and patient with.

    Once the chops are done, place on a platter and let them rest for about 5-10 min. so that they retain their juices. Just like a turkey or anything, the meat has to rest for a bit before diving in or you will loose all the juicyness if you don't.

    Last Wednesday our fan / blower on our furnace had gone out but lucky enough our furnace & AC guy was working in the area so was able to have the furnace repaired that same day. After 3 hours we had heat again. Thankfully it was a nice day on Wed. and Not freezing cold.
    The way it sounds we will be having some very nasty weather moving in about Thursday but then again it's to be expected. We always get nasty weather when the Fort Work Stock Show is going on. It never fails as it happens every year. Was just a matter of time when the nasty weather moves in.

    So; everyone stay warm, and if you have to get out on the roads; be Safe and don't forget to throw a blanket in your vehicle......just in case.

    1. Thanks for this info, that's pretty close to what we do. Patience is the key. And resting is great. Sorry about your furnace but glad you got I fixed just before this week. Wow.

  8. Hobart is a gorgeous kitty. Love the paws! 😂 Your dinner looks delicious. Pork chops can be tricky. I always have a bit of fear and trepidation when I attempt them!

    1. Aww, thanks for that. 2nd Man said he likes to sear them and get color on them and then gently cooks them in the oven for about 10 or 15 minutes at 350 but he checks them to make sure. Then resting them when done. You can do the same in the skillet without the oven if you put a lid on your pan and them them cook over low for 10 minutes or so. Of course always temp them to make sure they are done.

  9. Cook all meat low and slow. Protein gets tough over high heat. Does Hobart play with toys or with you? Or is he too old for that? He is so beautiful!

    1. He has a basket full of toys and well see him go over to it and pull one out. He loves a laser pointer of course and will bounce around. But his age kicks in and he plays for maybe 10 minutes and then needs to rest, ha. He LOVES catnip and will play with something that has catnip on it (we keep a jar of dried catnip up in the cabinet) and we'll look over and he's sacked out.


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