
Monday, January 31, 2022


 We moved our HOMEMADE FIRE ANT KILLER from a ziplock baggie to a jar.  I used the tall wide mouth jars and one of the screw on lids I found on clearance at the store a while back...

...then I made label for it and now it's on the shelf at the farm ready for use...and I did use it.

When working on the raised beds for the fruit trees a few weeks back, we found that fire ants seem to love the corners of the beds and make nests there.

So I put the ant killer down again...

But a week later, some were still alive.  I think I was a little too light handed in putting it down this time.

I put it on more heavily and then I did this...

...I took a piece of rebar I had in the yard and made a hole deep into the mound.  Then I poured a lot of the homemade ant killer into the hole and around it.  A week later, they were all dead.  That was good because I needed to use the weedeater to get the last of those weeds and I speak from personal experience when I say, it is no fun hitting a fire ant mound with a weedeater!

No flying fire ants!


  1. "I needed to use the weed eater to get the last of those weeds and I speak from personal experience when I say, it is no fun hitting a fire ant mound with a weed eater!".
    Hubby knows as well as he has wacked into a few mounds himself.
    This mixture works Great.
    DE without the sugar is also great for sprinkling on your tomato, pepper plants, etc.
    Enjoy your day and have a very wonderful evening.
    Stay warm and stay safe.

    1. It's one of those things that when you do it you immediately know "oh oh!!!"

      We really love the DE will have to remember that for tomatoes and stuff. Thanks!

  2. Fire ants are such a pain. We get them here in Georgia, too. Not sure if you'll find this funny or not, but had to share this Tim Hawkins bit about fire ants with you. Hope you enjoy it.

    1. Oh thanks for that, OMG that was too funny. They are miserable little things, ha.

  3. I need to make up a batch of this. I have a bag of diatomaceous earth and of course sugar.

    Ugh, another COLD front coming in tomorrow night. I have to cover up the things I want to hopefully save. And bring in firewood, especially for a possible loss of electricity.
    I’ve had enough of winter. I’m ready for Spring!!

    1. Glad we made it through this freeze. Hope you are ok too. Spring can't come soon enough.

  4. Welcome to Ground Hog Day today of 2,2,22

    1. I should have done a 2/2/22 post, totally forgot about that, in all the preparing for the Winter blast, ha. I hope the groundhog was wrong. I'm ready for spring.

  5. Flying fire ants sound like the farm version of those terrifying flying monkeys from The Wizard of Oz! We had our own giant nasty nest of ants this summer, but they weren't fire ants, fortunately, and they certainly didn't fly. Glad you got those suckers out of there!!!

    1. LOL now that's funny. Fly my pretties! Fly!!! Ha. They are useless little creatures.


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