
Friday, April 8, 2022


So one of my dear friends sent me a text at work the other day (he works at another office of the same company I work for) and said "look what came to visit".

A female peafowl, otherwise known as a peahen.  She just wandered into their parking lot and peered through the front door.  He careful opened the door and she didn't run off.  

He got this picture when he went outside.

He got a fairly good closeup here.  The office that he works at backs up to a neighborhood with some large homes and properties.  This lady apparently wandered over to say hello.  She hung around for a bit and then disappeared back to whatever property she came from. He went looking for her just in case (and then jokingly asked me if we wanted a peahen for the farm, ha) but she was gone.

Funny story...years ago, my boss (former job) sang at his daughter's wedding.  We were all there and it was at an outdoor venue that had peacocks wandering around.  About midway through the song, they started singing along with him.  I must say, they make a crazy screaming sound that would be a bit disturbing if you didn't know what it was.

Memorable wedding for sure.

And they are stunningly beautiful.


  1. Beautiful.
    Yes, peacocks are very, very noisy birds and then they also can do A lot of damage to roofs of buildings.
    Beginning in late February and running until early August, the peacocks display their stunning tail feathers, dance, and call out to attract the females. The peahens tend to choose males with the longest, most colorful tails.
    The females are rather picky when it comes time in choosing their mate.

    1. Great info, I never thought about them on roofs I bet that can cause some damage. They are so pretty though.

  2. Have you two fellas ever considered getting a peacock and peahen for the farm?

    1. We haven't thought about them specifically but 2nd Man of course wants hens (for eggs) and he asked "can we have other birds too?" ha!!

  3. gorgeous birds but so loud. you can hear them from very far away.

    1. Yes, have see that first hand, ha. And it's a creepy sound too.

  4. Peacocks and Peahens are such beautiful birds! They both have those pretty Prince and Princess crowns on their heads.
    Funny how the peacocks joined in on the singing at that wedding.
    They are not only beautiful but also helpful creatures. They make good guard animals. If a stray animal or unfamiliar person enters their domain, they start to holler.
    They can help protect chickens from predators such as raccoons, skunks, and rodents.
    Also, peafowl eat a variety of insects, as well as snakes and rodents. So some people have them to keep pests under control.

    1. Those crowns are so neat. You know I've heard about other birds being "guard animals" but didn't know that about them. Very interesting. Thank you!

  5. That is funny about singing at the wedding. They don't have pretty voices, very raucous.

    1. Oh it was funny for sure and made for some fun memories. My boss had a great singing voice but it didn't go with the peacocks ha!

  6. What a neat thing to see out the office window. I think one of our neighbors has a peafowl. I've never seen it, but it calls out almost every day.

    1. It is cool to just see roaming by to say hello. I guess if you hear it so often you wouldn't be so startled by the sounds, ha.

  7. Do you remember the peacocks at Vargo's, 1st Man? I attended many a "milestone" celebration (showers, weddings, engagement & graduation party etc) there before they bit the dust about 10 years ago. I've often wondered what happened to the gorgeous peacocks that were features of the lush azalea gardens there.
    But the truth is peacocks are obnoxiously loud and very, very dirty. I have relatives who live in Palos Verdes Estates in Southern CA. They are the bane of everyone's existence there - beautiful, but oh boy do they wreak havoc with cars & patios. Blech!

    1. Oh my gosh, the place where the wedding happened was Vargo's ha!!! I just didn't mention the name because most people wouldn't know what that was. Yep, they went away and I too have wondered where everything went. So pretty and a Houston legend for a long time.

      they are gorgeous but yeah I can imagine the mess is real when there are a lot, ha.

  8. A peacock came to my daughters house and stayed, it eats cat food and bugs in the yard, it is tame now and can be touched or fed bt hand, It sleeps in a tree at night, comes for her cat food in the morning.

    1. Oh wow, now that's cool! I guess if you just have one maybe there's not much danger of damage and/or mess. That's fun. I would be ok with a pet peacock ha.


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