
Wednesday, April 6, 2022


It was a gorgeous weekend and time to tackle the mowing.  It's Zen Machine time!

It was a cool breeze and I was wearing a long sleeve shirt but I pushed the sleeves up about halfway through.  Oops, got a little sun!  Anyway, mowing the yard and driveway was primary of course but before they disappear with the Spring growth, I had to clear out some of the trails too so that we can still walk around in areas of the property.  

Here's a good before.  I knew where the "old" trail was and before the grass gets too tall to find it, I just followed the outline...

...and here it is after that.  Now it'll be easier for me to keep this "up" during the season and I can get to the trees for some trimming.

Now this isn't a trail of course, well, in a way it is...the car trail, ha.  One end of the driveway.  Just love when it's clean looking.

Here's another trail that is back to being clear.

Of course I mowed the rest of the yard.  We just love when it's so neat and tidy.  Hmm, let's check the stats:

Whoa, look at that!
Almost 2 HOURS on the Zen Machine!
4 1/2 ACRES!

As always,

A good time was had by all!


  1. Looks really nice.
    The only thing missing is a nice size area for a large picnic table for entertaining

    1. Hmm, you are correct. We have an area, two actually, that we'd like to do something like that with. We want to get the house finished so we can figure out where and how we'll use it. I've seen some beautiful ones recently.

  2. Looks like a beautiful green park! Love all of those walking paths.

    1. Thank you, I always feel like that too when it's done but later this Summer I'll just be ready for it to be done, ha..

  3. Chores that deliver instant gratification are the best kind. (Well ok, maybe 2 hours isn't so instant, but you know what I mean.) I don't mow the lawn, but ironing is sort of the same though I don't do it often. You take something that's messy & unsightly and -*bam!* - it's neat & tidy. Your acreage looks so pretty this time of year & it's even prettier now that it's trimmed, but I'm guessing it's probably a good thing the county tax assessor doesn't use your John Deere app to calculate your yearly bill!😉

    1. Great way to put it. And believe me, the 2 hours does fly by. I've got my headphones on and I'm in the zone, almost autopilot. Thank you yes it's pretty as it starts greening up. Too funny about the tax assessor. We hope now, haha!!!


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