
Monday, April 18, 2022


This weekend, I hit four garden places to try to find the last two trees we wanted.  Three of them said they had sold out of all their peach trees for the season.  The last place I stopped at had just gotten a shipment in.

Flordaking peach tree
I looked at what they had and bought the best shaped one and one of the varieties that works best in our area.  Hard to tell in the picture but it's about 6' tall.  This is the "Flordaking" (I know weird name).  Good low chill requirements (450 hrs) for our climate and it's a clingstone type with a sweet flavor.  They are adapted to our warmer weather and resistant to disease.  Also hardy during droughts and is freeze tolerant.  Done!

I was also looking for a fig tree.  The small one we have now is planted away from the orchard area and doesn't get the care it needs to produce well for us.  I found a few at the first couple of places but they were spindly and didn't look like what I had hoped to find.

Brown Turkey fig tree
Just when I feared all was lost for a fig tree this year, I found this one!  It's a Brown Turkey fig, about 5 feet tall and one of the absolute best for our area.  It's said to be the perfect fruit for both eating fresh (my favorite method, ha) and for jam, even sometimes producing two crops per season.  They are tolerant down to about 15 degrees which should be good for us.  Done!


Orchard mission accomplished.  

Well, except for planting...need to do that soon.


  1. Congrats on getting all your little orchard trees ... That fig tree look extremely healthy! Here's hoping they all thrive and be fruitful!!

    1. The fig is amazing isn't it? It was a great find, I think since they just got some in I got the pick of the litter, ha.

  2. Awesome that you found and got the trees you where wanting.
    They look really healthy and hope you get a great bounty in return.
    Have a wonderful evening.

    1. Yes, thank you, we're excited to have that part completed. Here's to a wonderful bounty.

  3. Freestone are the best! Brown Turkey would be my choice. I love figs. You should be all set now. The eating should be good.

    1. Freestone are way better and always seem sweeter. Can't wait for some peach cobbler someday, ha. And yes, Brown Turkey was the one recommended even by other commenters there too. Figs usually start producing, even small numbers, pretty quickly.

  4. Replies
    1. Yep, thank you, fingers crossed. Planting first, eating later, ha!!

  5. So glad you found all the trees that you were looking for. It’s great to go out in your own yard and pick fruit.

    1. Thank you, we are happy too. It kind of completes (other than the citrus) what we wanted to do there in the way of fruit. We still have to plant our bananas and the grapevines but have to find the right place for those.


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