
Wednesday, April 20, 2022


Since I posted about finding the last two fruit trees we wanted, we'll keep the theme going, ha.  The last of the fruit we have planted has finally bloomed out.

Mayhaw blossoms
This is the mayhaw tree, it's got several blossoms on it.  It is still a recently planted tree so we'll pinch off some of them to let it focus on root development.  We might leave a couple just to see what develops.

Blueberry blossoms
The other two blueberry bushes (we have two varieties) have bloomed which is exciting.  Hope to get our first harvest of blueberries this season.

Plum blossoms
And lastly the plum trees have bloomed out as well.  We really think plum blossoms are just so pretty.  They are small and delicate and bright white.

We already had apple and pear blossoms as well as the nectarine (former mystery tree).  We hope to have at least a few pieces of fruit this year.  I need to get our fishing line fence up soon to keep the deer out as the fruit develops.  We'll toss some bird netting over the trees later just to protect from aerial attack as well.


  1. Once the 3rd year comes around they will really start taking off.
    Looks like Everything is coming along really well.
    Have yourself a very blessed day and a wonderful evening

    1. Yep, we're hoping for that to be true and we start getting some fruit. The other trees are now several years in and are really (seeming) to take off.

  2. After reading your previous post I decided we need to have a mayhaw tree in the yard. Several years ago I decided we would plant no trees here unless they were food bearing. The squirrels appreciate my gesture!

    1. Yay! I hope you can find one. You know, that's kind of a neat philosophy plant something that was food bearing. I was just checking our Mayhaw this weekend and it is doing great. Still small but seems to have adapted to the new home well and will be a year in the ground soon.

  3. So many pretty blooms in your orchard! So happy that they are all doing so well. I love the lovely scents and signs of Spring!

    1. Oh the scent of fruit blossoms is always so intoxicating, love it. Can't wait until someday when we can open the windows on a nice spring day and let the scent fill the house.

  4. I am still pulling for an orangerie. I think if I say the word long enough, it will happen for you.

    1. LOL, keep up the faith, someone has to for us, ha. Hey you never know. We'll see. It would be a great idea but maybe we'll get a greenhouse just a few steps out the backdoor, ha.


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