
Thursday, April 21, 2022


Woke up the other morning and 2nd Man had made a batch of homemade flour tortillas.  

He's still working on a recipe that works best for us, so he tried this one.  He made a batch and put them in the tortilla warmer that we got last Fall (Day of the Dead) to keep them nice and hot.

Then he made hash browns that were mixed with a few eggs and some cheese...

...and put them all together into glorious breakfast tacos!  A little hot sauce and breakfast is ready!

A true Tex-Mex staple for breakfast...


  1. 2nd Man’s breakfast tacos look scrumptious! What a perfect way to start the day! Hoping he will share his flour tortilla recipe sometime.
    I love breakfast tacos. That’s what I had for breakfast this morning. I filled mine with chopped up cooked potatoes, scrambled eggs, and Ranch-style beans. For local fundraisers, a popular plate will contain BBQ brisket, sausage, buttered potatoes, and beans. I always save some of the sausage, potatoes, and beans for a breakfast taco for the next day.

    1. Yes, he wasn't satisfied with the outcome (though I loved them but he wants it to be perfect). We've tried many recipes, our humidity does affect the outcome. But yes, breakfast tacos are so wonderful. I love your ideas. Almost anything will work ha.

  2. Woah! Those look seriously amazing. I love both breakfast foods and Tex Mex inspired so the combo is a winner.

    1. Thank you, it's a great combo that works for any meal, ha.

  3. Check out Lisa from Downshiftology blog and youtube channel for recipe.

  4. They look delicious!! Homemade is always best.


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