
Wednesday, May 11, 2022


Realized we hadn't given an update on the Nanking cherry bushes...but they have fully leafed out!

Nanking cherry #1

We thought maybe they didn't make it through the couple of freezes we had.  This particular variety is supposed to be hardy down to zero (which is extremely rare for us and why we chose them) but of course as with all plants, because they were newly planted (not even a year in the ground at the time) we thought the upper 20's freeze we had this Winter might have permanently hurt them.  They are both doing great!

Nanking cherry #2

This one is a bit smaller than the other but hey it's doing great too and looks happy and healthy.  We guess the freeze made them stronger and we're happy about that.  Obviously we're not going to have cherries this year, but at least we know that good stuff is going on underground.  Considering these were both tiny bare root plants a little over a year ago, we're happy.

With the wild dewberries we have all over the property and then our blueberries doing well and now these cherries, we will have some great desserts in our future.


  1. The shrubs really look well established. The Nanny Cherry shrubs / trees make for a good windbreak filler, hedge, or wildlife habitat
    Wait till you see the white blooms popping out; I bet the bees will enjoy the blooms.
    Just think of the cherry cobblers, pies, etc. that will be made in the future.
    Enjoy your day and may you have a wonderful evening

    1. Thank you. I know we'll have some good meals eventually, well, not meals but desserts ha. And maybe some cherry wine.... ;-)

  2. Birds love cherries. I bet the deer do, too! Buy rubber snakes and put them near tomatoes or anything the birds like to keep the birds away. And, I change the placement of the snakes every few days. Or, a real snake might do the job for you.

    1. yes they do. I remember you suggested that once and we totally forgot. I will go to get some this weekend. It'll make for a fun post. I hope we don't scare ourselves with them ha.

  3. Both of your cherry bushes look very healthy. You're going to have such a tasty variety of fruits!

    1. Thank you we're definitely excited that this part of our plan has worked out so nicely.

  4. We love Nanking cherries. If they grow well in Montana, you can be assured they'll be fine where you live. The cherries are tiny but oh, so sweet. Their flowers smell heavenly.

    1. Thank you for this. Some first hand experience. We had seen online that they are much smaller but were hoping for a good flavor. Can't wait to smell blooms. Thanks again!


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