
Friday, May 13, 2022


We like to name our farm vehicles.  All of you know our John Deere mower as the Zen Machine.

Well, now that the truck we got last year is living full time at the farm, we felt like it needed a name.

We bought the truck from a customer at my office.  He had retired a few years ago and the truck was just sitting in his garage so he decided to sell it.  He was the only owner, bought it brand new in 2006 and put all the miles on it while he started and ran his own business. 

Sadly, we found out last week that he had passed away after a hard fought battle with cancer.  We figured since he spent so much time in the truck as his mobile office, we should name it after him.

I printed a picture of him and put it in the glovebox.

So, the farm truck will now be called BILL...


  1. That is so thoughtful of you to name it after the original owner. We have a habit of naming things as well. For example, the old red bud in the center of our backyard is Hershel.

    1. Hershel! I love it. We named a tree by the house, an old, somewhat creepy, mesquite tree, we call it Barnabus.

  2. Replies
    1. "Bill" seems like a good name for a farm truck, it fits. Thanks!

  3. What a wonderful tribute to the original Bill.

    1. Thanks, we figured it might be a nice way to thank him for the use of the truck in "new hands".

  4. Vey fitting and such a wonderful tribute. I can bet that Bill is up above smiling from ear to ear.

    1. Thank you, we hope he is smiling, in fact when I drove it after putting his picture in the glovebox, I said "come on Bill, let's go for a ride and you can see how this runs now". :-)


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