
Friday, April 14, 2023


We saw this online and we have to share!

This is a cat's paw...Hobart's of course.  Just a normal paw with the little pads that some people call jellybeans. We saw something online that said if you ever look at it the other direction, it looks just like a teddy bear.  Hmm...

So here it is, turned the other direction and with the addition of a face!

OMG, it's a teddy bear!



  1. I did need to know that. I never heard of the face on the paw or jelly bean. And, that picture is the closest I will probably ever get to a cat's paw. allergies

  2. How unique.
    Have never heard of a teddy bear paw or the jelly bean thing.
    Goes to show; never too old to find something out new.
    Cute teddy bear paw you have there Hobart.
    Have a wonderful and enjoyable weekend.

  3. It sure does look like a cute little teddy bear! I never heard of that nor about the jellybean paw pads. Ya learn something new everyday!


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