
Sunday, April 16, 2023


It has been a beautiful weekend.  A few pop up showers last night but otherwise it is nice and today is cool.   

2nd Man asked what we should have for dinner yesterday and I said "we haven't made hamburgers in a while, how about that?"  I stopped at the grocery store and got some brisket steak burgers and all the trimmings.  We opted for Swiss cheese and mushrooms, lettuce, tomato and my pickled red onions.  A side of fries and of course some ketchup.

So good!

Now for some Hobart...

Here he is sleeping next to his glass of water.

I whispered his name after I took the picture and he looked back.  He's so happy to have his glass of water out all the time and of course we keep it fresh and fully filled.  Because...



  1. That is a delicious looking tray of burger and fries! A perfect weekend meal.
    Hobart has his own glass of water?! He sure has got y’all trained well to meet his every need!

    1. Sometimes we all just need a good ol' burger right? Ha. It was nice. And yep, he has a bowl of water next to his food bowl and one in the bathroom, both changed morning and this. He is well hydrated, ha. And we are well trained.

  2. omg, hobart gets a glass of water? too cute!

    1. He has two bowls and then one day we were putting water in a glass and he was watching it and started meowing so we put it down and he LOVED drinking from it. So now we just keep that in the middle of the floor all the time and give him fresh a few times a day. We'll use about 2/3 tap water and then top it off with cold water from the machine. He loves it.

  3. I cat sit my grand cat when my son travels. She thinks if I have a coffee cup, she needs a few drops. I dip my finger in the cup and she licks it and then I dip the next finger until she has 4 little sips of coffee. My son says when they take her home, she wants to sit on their lap when they have coffee, I told him she needs her morning coffee. She is 14 so I do spoil her a lot. She likes her water in a glass also.

    1. I love that! How sweet. I think they like the height of it but I think he also thinks it's something different, so we indulge him. And the more water they consume the healthier they are.

  4. I keep water in a bottle by my bed, of course, on the table. I understand needing it nearby. Cats like to drink whatever I have, but water of their own. Good parents.

  5. That meal looks delicious!! I love a good burger and your toppings are perfect. Hobart is so handsome.

  6. Fantastic looking meal.
    If hubby had his way, I think he would eat hamburgers every day.
    I saute onions in butter and also make a special burger sauce to spread on toasted bun, besides having all the other toppings. Putting on a couple prepared onion rings also makes for a delicious burger. Oh, and don't forget a couple of bacon strips for that burger. . . just for good measure.
    Enjoy the remainder of the week

  7. Plop some ice cubes in that glass so Hobart can have it refreshingly cold. <3 <3


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