
Sunday, April 9, 2023


It's Easter Sunday and that DEFINITELY means it's definitely time for some good food...

Our tradition for Easter meal is carver ham, homemade mac and cheese and broccolini.  2nd Man also made a side of cornbread.  It's been good food for sure.

Couldn't resist this picture.

We have two couches that face each other, 2nd Man sits on one and I sit on the other.  The sofa table is behind the one I sit on and Hobart gets up on there on his quilt and sleeps.  Occasionally, he'll reach over with his front leg arm and want me to hold his foot hand.  I do it while he lays there, happy as can be.  Because...



  1. That is such a special picture of you and Hobart! How sweet that he wants to hold his daddy’s hand – he loves you very much.
    Your meal looks beautiful and delicious. Mmm, homemade mac and cheese!

    Wishing you all a very Happy Easter!
    Did the Easter Bunny visit Hobart? On a cat and dog Twitter account in the UK that I follow, the Easter Bunny brought Malcolm the Cat and Baby Dog some Easter eggs specially made for pets. I wonder if they are available in the U.S.

  2. that is the sweetest pic! happy easter to you guys!

  3. That is sweet! And, the food looks delicious. It makes me hungry for our Easter dinner--ham, coleslaw, potato salad, tomatoes.

    By the way, I just discovered Hobart's joy of sitting in the sun beams inside. It is wonderful.

  4. Hobart is a sweetie!

  5. Thanks for your enthusiasm and creativity in writing this blog


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