
Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Finally got the new replacement apple tree replaced.  A few weeks ago, I dug up the old one and let the bed sit so the soil would get wet with rain and loosen up some.

Now this was done the weekend before last, when it was sunny and gorgeous.  This weekend was rainy and more rainy, ha. 

I got out our Earth auger that we bought several years ago.  It has been such a lifesaver around the property, or should I say backsaver, ha.  A great tool to have in the shed.  It's big and heavy and you have to be steady and have a good grip when you pull the throttle.  I have the blister to prove it, ha.

I put it into the raised bed and went down about 2 feet or so.  I took a shovel and pulled out the fresh soil and widened the hole a bit.

Then I popped the new tree in the hole, fluffed out the roots and filled in with soil.  I still need to mulch the top of it but I have to do that to all the beds.  I'll be taking Bill the truck to load him up with bags of mulch soon.  Need to get them all mulched for the season.  Just need some dry weather for a bit.

And speaking of apple trees...  

The "Anna" apple tree that's doing so well (albeit growing with a bend, ha) now has apples on it.

One here...

...and a couple more here.  There are a few more higher up but I couldn't get a good photo in the wind.  Hopefully, we'll be able to get a few apples this year.  This apple tree is obviously happy.

Here's hoping the new one is just as happy!


  1. That is some tough machine you used to dig a hole. I can imagine it makes short work of a difficult job. Great! How many apples do you have ripening?

    1. I LOVE the auger, ha. It's almost a two person machine but I managed. It definitely makes quick work of something that would otherwise be a pain. I think maybe 8 apples total? At least last time I was out there. Didn't go Easter weekend because of the heavy rain.

  2. My mango tree blew over in the hurricane and I had it pulled up and braced, now it has so many little mangos on it I don't think it will be able to hold them up. As soon as they start to ripen the squirrels will thin them out for me.

    1. We remember you mentioning the mango tree. That's awesome that it made it, though leaning a bit. Hey, if you still get enough to eat and enjoy and the squirrels do too, that's a nice give and take, ha.

  3. Bringing out the 'Big Boy' toys out I see, of which we call the 'Beast'. :-}
    When it comes to digging one or many holes, it doesn't take long when you have the 'beast' doing most of the work. Makes making a hole so much easier; better with a second person to help when it comes to running an auger.
    Very handy when you have to make many holes when putting in fence posts.
    Your apple tree is doing fantastic. Seems like only yesterday when they where in bloom, from the pictures you posted not long ago.
    I see some apple desserts in the near future.
    Enjoy your day and hopefully your plans work out for you the rest of the week as I see on the news that you will be receiving a chance of rain showers.
    Take care

  4. My daughter planted an Anna apple tree in her yard here in Charleston, SC, and it is doing great. Had a few apples the first year after planting and now she has to thin the young fruit to keep the branches from breaking. The apples are delicious!

  5. Your Anna apple tree is doing great! I'm glad you were able to find another nice tree for her companion!


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