
Monday, July 24, 2023


Went to the farm.  Figured I wouldn't have to mow.

And I was right.  It's turning "Summer beige".  Or maybe "drought brown", ha.

I did need to cut back some bushes and trim some things.  Also needed to work in the orchard area because it was out of control before things turned brown so it was a good time to do it.

I edged around each bed and then used the electric mower in between each one.  It looks much neater, albeit a little dry.  I did water it all very well and watered everything on the porch.  

I worked my butt off in the heat and I realized it was after 3pm.  I checked the weather app:

...99 degrees with a feels like of 117!

On the good news side, I came back into town and was looking through photos and I think I found out what happened to our missing apples:

That darn #farmshark



  1. What a difference in the color of your grass. Isn't this early for brown out?

    1. Yes, this is early for us for the brown out. Should see how it is this weekend but the green is fading fast. At least it comes back when the rain comes.

  2. Your yard / park has really gotten brown. With the heat, we quit mowing our yard for time being.
    Hubby will do some trimming / weed eating around the flower beds, etc. but that is pretty much it.
    We do have some pretty deep cracks, so do have to be careful when walking in the yard.
    Now, for your naughty apple / fruit eating critter; you need to call an Exterminator and have that shark relocated. :)
    Take care, stay safe and keep cool.
    Enjoy the rest of the week.

    1. Important Note:
      With this heat; make sure you check your tire pressure on your vehicles.

      It’s important to check your tire pressure regularly. Did you know that the temperature can affect your tires?
      Cold weather can cause your tires to lose pressure, while hot weather can make them gain pressure. That’s why it’s best to check your tire pressure when the tires are cold, like 1st thing in the morning.

      Same goes with your ceiling fans in your home.
      In the summer months, your fan blades should be turning counter clockwise and in the winter months clockwise. So double check your fan switches; making sure the blades are going in right direction.

    2. Yep, probably no mowing for a few more weeks, we'll see how it goes. Great tips about the tires, we do know about the Winter and cold affecting them but I never thought about the heat. I do drive the truck every weekend just to keep it running, but I need to check the pressure early. And we definitely have our blades going the right direction, that really does make a good difference.

    3. Oh, and we won't worry TOO much about #farmshark because we really only tend to seem them once a year.... ;-)

  3. I think the color of your grass is called Crunchy Brown.
    “The Farm Shark ate the apples!” - said all the possums, raccoons, and birds!!

    1. Crunchy brown is about right. And yep, the other critters are glad there is something else to blame, ha!!


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