
Sunday, July 23, 2023


 Those who have been visiting us for a few years know that in addition to NASCAR, we also love Shark Week that comes to Discovery Channel every year.

It starts tonight!


In years past, there were silly shows.  We didn't really like those, they would do something peripherally related to sharks like Jackass doing stunts in the ocean...I think once, they even had a mermaid show and how they could coexist with sharks.  Um, no thank you. 

This year though, these all seem pretty legit shark shows (albeit with some goofy titles, ha).

Now, we also will have our own silly thing we do every year and that's where we have a fun picture of a #farmshark sighting so watch for those this week in posts, you never know where they might show up.

Oh and most every year, they have a host to intro episodes, comment between commercials, etc and this year it is hosted by...

...Jason Momoa.  Sharks AND Aquaman?

We're OK with that...

And just to get things started:

When Hobart is sleeping, we won't even let a shark disturb his sleep.  Because...



  1. I love Shark Week, too! I look forward to it each year.
    Look out Hobart, a #farmshark came to the city and he’s right next to you!

    1. It's a fun week, especially to take a break from the news of the world. And yeah, I guess this is #cityshark ha!!

  2. All this shark 🦈 stuff leaves me feeling like a cold fish 🐟 ... however, I will ✔️ in to see what's new but leave the 🐠🐟 🦈🐡🐳🐬🐋 to the rest of you!

  3. Mermaids on a shark show? Count me out. That is just too silly. Momoa might work. Maybe Hobart can avoid sleeping on a shark next time. That cannot be comfortable.

    1. Yeah, it was weird. They also did a thing were they pretended to have actual footage of a prehistoric shark but you had to see the little disclaimer at the beginning that said it was fiction. Now they do usually have 1 or 2 of those out of 18 hours of programming that is serious but they got some heat those times and I don't see anything like that (so far) this year.


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