
Sunday, August 20, 2023


It's hot.  Have we mentioned that?  LOL.  Literally just so little we can do outside but of course, that doesn't stop us from having some good food.

Friday night, 2nd Man said "How about hamburgers and fries?"  Yep that sounds good.  We get these great patties at HEB grocery that have brisket meat ground up with the beef.  So yummy.  A good old loaded hamburger is definitely comfort food.  Bacon, Swiss, mushrooms, lettuce, tomato and onion...with mustard for 2nd Man and mayo for me.

Special fuzzy red blanket sleeping palette?  Check!
Cardboard box option?  Check!
Glass of fresh water?  Check!




  1. Those burgers look good. I thought Hobart was waiting for his burger!

  2. Looks Fantastic. I like my burgers loaded with the works.
    Was in town and man did it heat up fast. To hot to grill, to hot to heat the oven, so what did we do; stopped at Raising Cain's to grab a bite to eat. They where busy but still got our food quick; before hubby could even fill up our drinking cups our food was brought to our table
    Everyone take care, stay safe and stay cool

    1. Yes, looks like Hobart is ready for his bite of burger as well. :}

  3. Oh, my ... Your burgers 🍔 and fries🍟do look Sonic good! Definitely good for human consumption ... not so sure about that for Hobart!
    So hot today in S. CO, too! I cancelled going anywhere today except to take the trash out at about 3 p.m.

  4. Your burgers and fries look delish! Always a favorite!
    I see that Hobart has his favorites also. Does he also ask for a bite of your burger?
    One of my cats likes a few Cheerios as a treat. Another thinks he’s a dog and begs for a few bites of whatever I’m having. Of course, just like Hobart, they are #notspoiled !

  5. Cheese burgers and fries are my ultimate comfort food. Yours look delicious. Hobart is adorable as always.

  6. Hobart could not be any cuter!


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