
Sunday, January 14, 2024


Time for some good food and of course, some Hobart on this cold Sunday!

We're eating a lot of salads, with almost every meal.  This one is arugula, with some shaved Parmigiano-Reggiano and sunflower seeds.  Then, 2nd Man made a vinaigrette with balsamic and olive oil, just a couple teaspoons over each. 

Arugula is a heart superfood.  This cheese is recommended, in moderation, and we use paper thin shavings that give us all the flavor with minimal addition.  The sunflower seeds are raw and unsalted.  Lastly, balsamic vinegar and olive oil are also considered superfoods for the heart and lowering cholesterol.

Boom, healthy salad!

Pork chops and lentils.

Chops are lean, thin, pan seared in just a tsp or two of oil, sometimes olive oil, sometimes avocado oil, to keep them from sticking and add some color.  NO salt at all, just pepper and other spices from the cabinet as the sides may dictate.  For the side on this meal, 2nd Man made lentils with garbanzo beans, again no salt, and he used turmeric and some curry.  Is that sour cream?  NOPE!  It's Greek yogurt.  Zero fat and very minimal sodium.  Oh my, so good!

And Hobart continues sleeping next to me on the couch just to keep an eye on me I suppose.  Plus I have to reach over occasionally and pet him.  Because...



  1. Delicious looking meal. 2nd Man is excellent at adapting meals to be heart-healthy but still be tasty.
    Looks like Hobart has appointed himself as your Health-Guard Cat!

    I’m now cooking a roast to have some cooked food that can be warmed up in the fireplace if the electricity goes out.
    Stay warm and stay safe.

  2. Marcia in S. Colorado checking in! LOL
    The meal looks good enough to eat!
    Hobart is looking pretty yummy, too!!
    So darned cold up here for today and tomorrow and then it starts warming a bit! When it's only in the teens, I stay inside!!

  3. So happy to see you doing well, and enjoying the sweet companionship of Hobart! As someone commented a bit ago, I believe that our animal companions know when all is not “right” and they do their best to be of help to us. We are lucky to have them.❤️❤️

  4. I just wanted to say that I am so glad to read that you are so much better. Haven't read any blogs for some time so it was a shock to read how ill you had been. With all the love and care and wonderful cooking from 2nd man and all the love from Hobart you'll be a new man in no time!
    Also must add, Hobart is just such a gorgeous boy - I read back to his birthday post and such a lovely story about how you found him (or he found you). Brings a tear to the eye! I was actually born in Hobart and lived there for 24 years and still go back at least 3 times a year to visit family so I'm rather fond of the name and the place and I think your Hobart is very special. We are indeed lucky to have them.
    Take care and keep getting better and I will be a better more regular reader!

  5. Dinner looks great. A squeeze of lemon is also a great salt substitute.

    Tell 2nd man that the American Heart Association cookbook has some great recipes too. You can probably find it at the library for a test run. That’s what I do.

    Angel food cake plain or with fruit and cool whip is also an acceptable dessert

    -Katie C.


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