
Monday, June 10, 2024


 So you probably saw that Saturday we had an appointment so this weekend we had to switch the farm visit to Sunday.  Drove out yesterday.  Should have gotten a 'before' photo but the grass was crazy tall.

Not the best mowing job I've ever done...but at least it's normal again.  For now anyway, ha.

A bit messy with the extra grass clippings but this time next week or the week after, it will be gone, blown away in the wind or decomposed into the grass.

Check this out:

TWO HOURS (and nine minutes!) and I drove 8.1 miles!  I think that might be a new record, ha.  It's because in many spots, I had to mow an area once with the deck up so I could get through the grass without getting bogged down, then I had to mow over it again with the mower deck down (set at 3 inches, up from 2.5) and then in some places I drover it all just to disperse the clipping a bit.

I REALLY needed to work in the orchard area, I did mow parts but it's out of control.  But it was just TOO oppressively hot and I'm not risking my health for an aesthetic gain, ha.  It'll be there next week, ha.

Check this out:

Here is the temp when we decided to call it a day.  95° with a feels like of 111°.  Yikes!  It's going to be a long, hot Summer, that's for sure!  Hoping for a little less rain, we're good for a little while anyway.


  1. Are you sure it is okay with your doctor to be out there at this temp or more? I hope you do drink lots of water.

  2. Why do we only remember the before shot when taking the after shot, so annoying

  3. Yep, it’s hot and getting hotter. The stifling heat arrived very early this year. 🙁
    Hoping you wear a wide-brimmed hat out there and are taking frequent breaks in this heat.
    The yard always looks so much nicer after a mowing. I wonder if a local farmer/rancher might be interested in baling hay from your yard.

  4. We mowed our yard Friday and man, was it ever hot. Not a bit of breeze.
    Grass clippings makes for good mulch for your yard during the heat of them hot, summer days. Protects your yard from burning; turning brown when that sun is beating down. With all the rain we had, the grass was really getting long and was do for a good cutting. Had a break in the rain and the yard was drying out somewhat to where we could mow so have to do it when it's possible. Did mow around some of the wetter areas that still had some standing water..
    You and 2nd man take it easy and Stay Safe.
    Hope your appointment went well
    Enjoy the rest of the week.


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