
Saturday, June 8, 2024


Switching things around today as we have another important appointment.  We're going on that today and tomorrow will be the farm visit.  So here on Saturday, is what we usually post on Sunday.  Tomorrow will be mowing.  Here is some good food and of course Hobart.

The other night we had some grilled salmon over a bed of brown rice, corn and jalapeños.  The salmon was topped with some of our leftover homemade bbq sauce.  A large salad on the side and it was a perfect meal.

Is there any cat in the world that WON'T sleep in a box?  We received a package in the mail, put the box on the floor and in about 1 minute, it was occupied.  And of course, there it sat for several days until he lost interest in it. Because...



  1. Not a meal I would like, I don't eat sea food and brown rice can be hit or miss some people screw it up and don't ask me how I don't know they just do

  2. I'm not a big fan of brown rice, but love the salmon and corn!
    I don't think there is any cat that can bypass an empty box! Cat 😺 in a 🎁!

  3. Another delicious looking meal! Yum!
    Hobart is being true to his cat nature of loving to curl up in a box!

  4. My children loved to sit in boxes, too. I love brown rice but probably not with corn. It is two carbs.

  5. I am cat setting this month for my grand cat while her parents spend a month in Germany. She is so spoiled. Today we had 3 dishes with different food in them to see what she wanted. She wanted a snack. You are so right about a box; it does not matter how small it is a cat will try and curl up in it to sleep while a nice soft bed is beside it. This cat here likes to sleep in her carrier.


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