
Thursday, June 6, 2024


Recently, 2nd Man and I enjoyed a fun day out shopping after an appointment.  It was mostly window shopping and daydreaming but we found a few fun things.

Love these signs.   Yes, we will have bees again and these will go by my desk at the farm to remind me.

We are suckers for candles and accessories.  We found these and figured probably if we only had one, it would be somewhere else when we needed it most.  This doubles our odds of finding it, ha.  A candle snuffer and a wick dipper.  We already have a wick trimmer that we regularly use, so these will have a place in the candle storage drawer.

2nd Man saw these and fell in love with them.  I must admit, I love them too!  Heavy glass carafes, with honeycomb design all around them and a bee motif in a circle right in the middle.

And these...wait, am I'm sensing a bee theme on this shopping trip?  Funny how that worked out, ha!

Sometimes, a little retail therapy is a good thing.


  1. You guys got some wonderful purchases.
    Love the design of them bee jars / vases
    Have a wonderful day and enjoy your weekend.
    Having our double nickel anniversary tomorrow. Nope, have no plans as yet. Maybe go out to eat to celebrate and that will be it unless hubby plans on mowing providing the yard dries out more today. We still have standing water in some places but yard sure does need a good grass cutting.

  2. I like the signs, I also have a thing about candles and like the look of the candle snuffer, I always wanted one.

  3. i love those bee carafes too! joyce

  4. You guys find the neatest things.

  5. I love them all, especially the carafes and pot holders.

  6. I love all of your bee-themed and candle items! Sometimes it’s the little things that make your heart Bee happy! 🐝

  7. You all find the best things! I esp. love the bee carafes.


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