
Thursday, July 4, 2024

4TH OF JULY 2024

Well, here we are, another holiday has arrived! 

Having a day off in the middle of the week is weird.  Work yesterday, off today, work tomorrow, off for the weekend, but hey, we'll take it.

We gauge all holidays now by saying "this time next year, we will be celebrating at the farm".  And we already have ideas.  We have a sofa table that we love that will go in the new foyer and will become my holiday decorating fun zone, ha.  More on that later.

UPDATE: Don't forget about those who are affected by loud noises.  We are in a city that bans fireworks so it's not as loud as we know it can be.  But for those impacted, people and pets, it can be a stressful time.

Speaking of, we already have a few farm themed 4h of July items but they are in a box in the barn. Tomorrow on my lunch break, I'll go check out some after holiday clearances and see what I can find!  Stay tuned!

And check out this card that we got from one of the dear readers here.  She makes the most amazing holiday cards.  We save them all because they are works of art in and of themselves and you can tell they are made with love.  Thank you!

We'll be staying inside where it's cool as we are under a heat advisory.  Here is the current temp at 11am...with a feels like of 111.  Yep, inside where it's cool.  Hope you all have a good day and stay safe!


  1. It is too bad that no one stops to think about the people who are affected by all the fireworks and the animals. I live with a retired soldier who has ptsd and two dogs that have ptsd (from fireworks back in 2018). Every day is a struggle but the state we live in continues to legalize fireworks more and more days. They are legal on Labor Day, Memorial Day, New Years Day and others and for the fourth they are legal from June 29th to July 5th. But everyone around here (and we live in the country) does it illegal because they know the police will not enforce it. And then think of the critters or even the people that are noise sensitive like autistic people who ar e bothered by it. Everyone says Happy 4th but for a lot of people this is a bad time. Writing this as we hide in the basement in the daytime because of the noise.

  2. It is sad that fireworks can have such a negative effect on some people and animals but more sad is the fact that some people don't give a rats ass how others are effected by the noise and the shooting colours

  3. I want to shop for sale items for the 4th, too. I have nothing. But, I want just a bit, not farm-size decorations.

  4. happy 4th guys!!! well, sort of considering the state of the nation.

  5. Happy Independence Day! What a great card one if your readers sent you! She is very creative.
    Another day of Texas summer, another day of heat advisories. As the old saying goes, “It’s hotter than a firecracker on the 4th of July!” I’m staying inside and just watching the fireworks of the Houston Freedom over Texas celebration on TV.
    Also keeping an eye on Hurricane Beryl, watching the weather forecasts as to where it hits on the Texas coast.

  6. I love it that you decorate for all the holidays. I like you are already planning your decorating area for the new house. I remember from my days in Texas how hot the nights were. So uncomfortable. There are some things I miss but not that.

  7. Happy belated fourth!

    It’s sooo steamy here that some of the windows are steamed up! Definitely staying inside today

    -Katie C.

  8. Right now, both Hobby Lobby and Michaels have their Memorial Day / 4th of July items on sale; either in store or on line. WalMart don't have much left on their shelves here. You may want to also check Dollar Tree, Dollar General stores as well.
    Right now, Hobby Lobby has their Fall items out and already getting their Christmas items out as well.


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