
Friday, July 5, 2024


Regular readers know that I have a favorite place to look for bargains...our downstairs trash area!  Our building has trash chutes on every floor and they feed into a separate room, but for boxes and other things that people can't put in the chute, there is an area (indoor) near the loading dock where people can put the things they don't want.  I've found quite a few cool items over the last few years.

Here are a few more:

Went downstairs and found two more wine crates.  I'm glad they just sat them on top so I could find them, that's very nice of them, LOL!

We love the look of the wine crates and the printing on each one definitely gives off a farmhouse vibe ("French farmhouse vibe?" LOL).  Remember a few weeks ago, I mentioned about the crawfish bargains and said we could keep them in a box?  And that we could use different boxes for different "holidays" or "events"?  We're going to be able to do that in the new house pantry or upper cabinets and now we have two more, in addition to a few we already have that we've rescued.

I also found this other crate looking box.  Not sure how we're going to use this one, but it has a great rustic appearance.

These will all get great use at the new house to help keep us organized.  Cool and organized and repurposed.  The best three things, ha.

And yes, we're gonna miss this resource when we move, but we'll make the most of it while we can!


  1. Many uses for wine crates; Mount casters / wheels on the bottom and add a handle and use in your pantry. and store your bottles of wine in.
    I have a few crates myself. A couple I have put on a dark stain and use to set a couple of many of my nativity sets; lay on end and I display 1 nativity set inside and another on top of the crate, strung with small fairy battery operated lights.

    Use a crate and make into a storage ottoman. Use as a fireplace log holder.
    Use in the mudroom. Bathroom mounted on wall for storage.
    Sometimes we just have to think outside the box. I'm sure you will come up with many ideas for them crates. They are very handy items to have.

    Have a Great weekend.

    1. you always find such great ideas. thanks!! What a cute idea for the nativity sets. Yep sometimes we just have to think outside "wine box", ha.

  2. I have one similar to the last one. I found a cheap metal cookie sheet to fit in the bottom and i leave it in the garage to store my slogger gardening boots and shoes. Just remember to look inside the shoes before you put them on, creepy crawly flying things have been known to nap in them! Great finds! Deb

    1. What a great idea about the last one. I could find a cookie sheet and throw the boots in. Thanks!! Y'all stay safe in this storm!

  3. That's the kind of find I'd love to find.

    1. Right? We get some fun use out of it for free! :-)

  4. That “trash” area has yielded some really good things for you. These boxes and crates are great for tidy storage.

    1. Yes, and they are very sturdy (I guess because of the nature of glass bottles filled with wine). They will look good up on a top shelf in the pantry with something good on it. And oh how we will miss the area but hey, just get what we can and it's meant to be, ha. Stay safe tomorrow!


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