
Monday, January 6, 2025


Saturday was beautiful.  It was a bit overcast, but it was cool and just a perfect temperature for yard work.  

I mowed everything I could.  The newly cleared areas were a bit damp and plus, I really need to go through and remove bricks and rocks and large tree debris.

I got it all nice and neat.

Then I got out the edger and cleaned up the orchard area.  Around the beds, in between them and then inside each one.  They'll be ready for Spring!

This is a picture taken from about where our new front porch will be.  That flag on the stake that you can see is the front corner of the new house...the master bedroom closet corner to be exact, ha.

I covered 5 miles, not sure how that happened.  A lot of it was going around in circles, ha.  But in the end... was a beautiful day on the Zen Machine and it was, well, Zen!  And with a hard freeze coming, this will be the last time until probably March or so.

I just realized that when I mow again in a couple months, we'll have a house well under construction?!


  1. You really neatened up everything nicely. Now it’s all ready for The House Build to start! So exciting!

  2. Getting up the debris will keep the Zen machine in one piece and working when the grass gets higher and hides it.

  3. Neat & Tidy; just like always when you finish mowing.
    Won't be long before your yard area will be filled with trucks, lumber, etc. What an exciting day that will be for you both.
    You and 2nd man will have to sit down and write your own book of all of your adventures, etc.
    Enjoy your day and have a great week.
    Stay safe & stay warm

    1. Just a matter of time now before they start making the forms for your concrete slap and cement trucks coming in.


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