
Tuesday, January 7, 2025


Here we go.

Freeze inbound!

Saturday, when I went out to do yard work, that was to beat the freezing weather (and the grass going dormant) but the other part was to save our plants.  They are the ones that we used to have on the porch, and would move them inside with a heater.  We thought about putting them in the barn or shed but there is no heat in there and we figured we should not take any chances and decided to bring them back into town.

So I filled up my Jeep:

The back seat...

The back end...

Even the front floorboard was put to use, ha!

Perhaps I should get this for the farm truck:

LOL!  Actually, this is kind of cool (and custom made I'm sure) but we'll just have to go with an actual greenhouse at some point.

Anyway, they are all back and safe in our parking garage (it never gets below freezing in there).  Bananas, avocado, cherry of the rio grande, the sour orange, the yesterday/today/tomorrow bush and the sweet verbena bushes.  The others that I left behind are tolerant down to zero, no worries with that kind of temperature.  These are safe from the freeze now and this time next year, they'll be in the ground and we'll be there to cover and protect as necessary!

Forecast for the farm (not Houston proper, at this time) is for possible snow!  "J" said she would get some good pictures for our blog if it does end up snowing.


  1. You had your Jeep stuffed to the max with plants! That was a lot of work! A greenhouse at the Farm will be great. And so much easier when you need to protect plants.

    1. Hope there are no snakes hiding in one of the plants.

  2. I wonder if the plants enjoy taking a ride. I also wonder if there were double-takes when people saw a Jeep full of plants. The truck greenhouse is a good idea. I wonder under what circumstances that was built.

  3. When the temp. gets down to 32 freezing the strawberry farmers turn on the sprinklers and let the water freeze over the plants. The ice insulates the plants, and they do not freeze. The plants, fence and everything have ice hanging on them in the morning but when the sun comes out there are green plants and red berries. The sprinklers will be running the next couple of night I imagine. We are to have freezing temps here in central Florida the next few days and then back to the 70's.

  4. Greenhouse on wheels. How cool is that. Receives plenty of light and even has a water misty system of sorts connected to the plants. Someone probably lives in an apartment and no where to plant a small garden so had greenhouse mounted to bed of his truck. Looks like they are all tomato plants.
    Be carful and watch out for any baby snakes, spiders, etc that may be hiding in them pots. For easy clean-up; lay a tarp down then add your plants.
    At the moment it's 33deg.
    Enjoy the remainder of the week and Stay Warm


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