
Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Farm in 2011 drought 
Wow, what a study in contrasts!

Above is a photo of the property late last Summer, in the midst of our epic and record breaking drought.  Below is a the same part of the property taken this Summer, after we've had slightly above average rainfall on a regular basis. It almost doesn't even look like the same property does it?  By the way, no grass seed or plantings, it's just whatever springs up naturally.  Sure, up close it's not St. Augustine or Bermuda, but it looks good enough from "afar", ha.

It's amazing how nature bounces back is.  For those of you in this year's drought stricken parts of the country/world, here's to hoping that things will return to normal soon.  Fingers crossed that you go back to a rainfall surplus and we all stay that way throughout 2013!

Farm in 2012 rain surplus


  1. That is amazing! You're right - you wouldn't think it was the same piece of land. It looks like the Dust Bowl in the top and the Garden of Eden on the bottom.

    Good job "watching the rain fall". giggle

    1. OMG, last year I kept telling people it looked like a scene from the dust bowl! A little white farmhouse in the middle of all this. Definitely dust bowl material, ha. Love it now, weeds and all, even green weeds are better than the alternative!

  2. wow! look at that! i am so grateful that texas has had a break from the drought this year while so many other areas northward have been stricken. i cannot imagine how difficult it would be if our crops, hay fields, cattle yards, were still as bad off as last year.

    1. Yes, isn't it wonderful? You know this time last year, they were saying it would be another year. I was totally afraid of that. I thought "what did we get ourselves into". It would be horrible if it had gone on. My heart aches for those up North. At least maybe there is hope that it does come to an end at some point. Here's to hoping we all have a wet year next year. I just think of the aquifers and ponds and lakes being filled too, that's wonderful.

  3. Looks like those cans of Spray Turf really worked out for you! :)

    1. Ha, we laugh but I think some people resorted to something like that. I think I read where someone last year spray painted their dead grass. They had the only green "grass" in the neighborhood, ha.

  4. Wow, amazing, what a difference, but why am I saying that, those look like before and after pictures of my pastures before and after rain. Enjoy this years greenery. Love the comment about Spray Turf, LOL

    1. Isn't it amazing what regular water can do? And more amazing how resilient mother nature is. Awesome.

      Thanks for the comment, as always!

  5. We got rain late this summer so I've had to mow the lawn a couple of times, but there was a period where my mower didn't move for over a month.

    It's going to be a horrible year for produce. Corn crops here are next to nothing and apple orchards are predicting 10% - 20% yield. Look for those lovely prices to go up in your grocery store. :(

    1. Wow, I can understand. If we had purchased the big green zen machine last year, I think I might be regretting the purchase, ha.

      Yikes, y'all have had it bad. And yes it will trickle down (or is that up?) to the rest of us in everything we buy.

      Here's hoping for a wet winter and Spring.

  6. 1st Man - Looks stunning - and the lawnmower helps with the overall appearance :) Amazing - the resilience of nature!

    1. Thank you! Yes, mother nature NEVER ceases to amaze me. And you know, as much as I have always appreciated it, I never fully understood (and still don't to a large degree) how MUCH I appreciate it. Amazing. Thanks!!!

  7. Wow, that is unbelievable! It looks so beautiful, better than Bermuda.

    1. Ha, I wish it was Bermuda, I could go barefooted, ha. This has thorns in some spots, these tiny little plants that have thorns and you can't see them till you step on them. Ugh. But I can wear my shoes and enjoy it nonetheless. I'll take green any day over brown, even if it is weeds. :-)

  8. You DO have a rain gauge right??? Because every REAL farmer needs a rain gauge....
    Great pictures...

    1. I hate to say it but I don't! We DO have one in town, a cool digital one with an outdoor station. I have "requested" that Santa deliver one to me this year, we'll see what happens, ha.

      Thanks, always enjoy when you post!


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