
Monday, May 2, 2016


OK...several of you asked for more pictures of the house a few weeks back.  Since the decluttering is done, as we complete a room, or at least feel that one is more or less completed, we've decided to take pictures and give everyone a virtual tour.  And many of you also commented (very sweetly) on how much you liked this room and the colors.  

So without further ado, here are some pictures!


The farm house is two bedrooms and one bath.  We wanted the master bedroom to be more masculine in color and style, so for this guest room, we decided on a softer color palette.  There were two pieces of furniture from my Mom that were pale yellow and there was a pink bedspread on her bed...we had those in storage and decided to build off of and yellow!

Guest room corner
This is the view as you walk in, toward one of the windows (and window unit a/c).  You can see the Lane cedar chest we got out of storage last year at the foot of the bed.  My Mom had that pink stand too, not sure what to do with it but hey, it's a corner and it fit perfectly.  That piece under the window unit is an old wooden fireplace screen with flowers on it.  No fireplace of course but this was a good spot to put it.

Vintage yellow Hoosier cabinet
This is looking toward the bathroom door (on the left) and one closet door (on the right).  That cabinet is an old kitchen cabinet, one of those "Hoosier style" cabinets, in pale yellow.  My Mom found it at a furniture consignment store once upon a time.  It's a great piece and fit the space between the two doors like it was meant to be.  It also provides us with great storage.  Since the bathroom is so small and has almost no storage, we use this cabinet to store medicine and toiletries, first aid stuff, rolls of toilet paper, soap, shampoo, towels, etc.

Guest bedroom headboard
This is looking toward the bed wall.  This bed frame is a white vintage style metal that we found it at Ikea of all places!  The lamp is a family piece from my Dad's side of the family.  The pictures are just random finds from thrift stores and garage sales.  The bears are patchwork quilt pieces and are also thrift store finds.  Oh and that little yellow end table?  We found that at Marshall's Home Goods store last year, it's the PERFECT color yellow for the room.

This is on the window side of the room looking back toward the entrance.  That curtain on the left is the "curtain door" that we put up a couple of years ago since there is no door (no space for one to open up wide) on that opening.  It goes into the kitchen.  The yellow cabinet is a vintage child's wardrobe cabinet, the doors open and one half is all drawers.  It's great for linen storage, sheets, a few blankets, etc.  The door on the right is another fairly large closet (there is more closet space here than we had in town at the house, ha). 

Bedroom with flowers
Here's another view toward that corner...

Pink and yellow bedroom
...and here is the other corner of that same bed wall, looking toward the other window (next to the one with the a/c unit).  As you can see, the theme in this room is flowers.  We call it the "Spring Room".  We felt that having the guest room with a more feminine energy was a good balance for the house.  Hey, even if we don't have flowers all around the outside yet, at least we'll always have them on the inside here in this room.  I love to take a nap in this room on a nice cool day with the windows open.

We think both our Mom's would have loved to stay in this room.  

Hope you enjoyed the "tour"!


  1. Oh my, its such a lovely room. :) SO inviting Well done.

  2. what a wonderful room. your mom'd would have loved it. that is one sweet place that you have there!

  3. It is a lovely room. Your moms would be proud.

  4. OMG I would move in there tomorrow if you'd let me, ha. I'll pay rent, I promise, HA! Just kidding (well I would if I thought I could get away with it, ha) but yeah, lovely lovely room.

    1. hey bonnie d - you seem like a very nice person BUT BACK OFF LADY! THAT ROOM IS MINE - bahahahahah!

    2. OH, uh uh, I will fight you BOTH! I want that room!!!! :-P

    3. Oops, looks like we have a fight on our hands!!! Maybe the best lady win! :-)

    4. sorry 1st Man - i know that the ladies above are good women....they just are gonna have to fight me for that room - bahahahaha!

  5. Right out of a designer magazine. Very chic.

    I like that each piece has a memory attached. That is the way a home should be. I have that here, lots of memories. The odd side of me can't help but see a live fish in that fantastic wash stand.

    1. Well I don't know about that, but thank you!!! Objects with memories are the best aren't they? Live fish?? Now that's interesting!!! Maybe someday!

  6. the soft pink and yellow is beautiful and what an amazing room you created,,

  7. The pink washstand would make a great plantstand.

    1. I never thought about a plant stand, thanks for that idea!

  8. The room is so inviting. You've done a marvellous job. Thank you for the tour.

  9. 1st Man - both of your mother's would love that room. and as much respect as i may have for both of them - i say - just like i said to bonnie above - BACK OFF MOTHERS! THAT ROOM IS MINE! AND JAMBALONEY'S! we've started packing our bags! bahahahahaha!

    hey - have you checked out my mermaid tail? you gotta check it out! woohoo - i have a mermaid tail - it's awesome! go here:

    not trying to steal the thunder from your beautiful room, that i am sure your mothers' would love...and i love it too!

    sending much love, as always, to both of you! your friend,

    1. LOL! You made us laugh, thanks!!! OK so I just went to your post, that is the coolest thing!!! Do they have them for Mer-men? LOL! Much love to you both!!!

    2. yes - they make mermen suits too and i double dawg dare you to get one and post a pic! xoxox

    3. I don't think the internet is ready for that sweet Kymber. :-)

  10. What an absolutely beautiful room! I LOVE it! And I love all the things with special memories.

  11. Stylish and welcoming.
    Hard to ask for more.

  12. hell, I wanna stay in that room! so cozy and inviting!

  13. Lovely room!
    I love looking at other people's houses, am a real sticky beak!!

    1. Hey, I'm the same way, that's kind of why we thought others might be like us and enjoy seeing it as well, ha.

  14. OK, you always say 2nd Man is not a chef and we think he is, I'm sure you must be an interior designer even if you say you're not!

    1. Well aren't you kind. Thanks very much. Not a designer but do putting things together and hoping they come out looking nice. :-)
      Well aren't you kind. Thanks very much. Not a designer but do enjoy putting things together and hoping they come out looking nice. :-)

  15. Looks so inviting, like a room in a bed and breakfast! Love the pictures, especially the lilacs over the bed and the sampler. I'm with Carla on the stacked pink bowls, just begging for some African violets. They won't mind the heat and are the right size for a cozy corner near the window. Fantastic job!

    1. Well thank you for that! Yep those were some great thrift store finds (the sampler just about a year ago I found while at lunch, and fell in love with it). African violets? Awesome idea, and they are pinks and purples too huh? Of course I'm not sure how I'd keep them watered once a week but I could figure out something. Thank you!!!

    2. I've got a bunch of African Violets and they need so little attention, just keep them sitting in a dish (or your pretty pink bowls) and pour the water in the bowl when the soil feels really dry. They prefer heat, sun, and dry soil....easy peasy (sp?)

  16. Could we get a close up picture of those tassels? They look interesting.

    1. I will do that this weekend! They are beaded. My Mom found them somewhere. Someone else asked about the lamp. I'll have some posts for those.

  17. What a very charming and nostalgic guest room you have created. The inherited pieces you have used, as well as your thrifted and found objects lend the room a warm and cozy feeling. It is easy to imagine the joy these furnishings provided their former owners. I imagine walking into this room akin to receiving a loving embrace. Beautifully done.

    The pink stand in the corner — I’m sorry, warped mind of a dog lover, but I immediately saw water bowls for small, medium and large puppies!


    1. Thanks! We were hoping for a warm feeling, making it inviting and welcoming. What a great way you described it. Thanks! Dog bowls, love how your mind thinks. It's neat to think of something outside the box so to speak.

  18. Can't say anything that hasn't already been said, just absolutely beautiful. You definitely have the designer touch! This looks like something id see in country living magazine!

  19. Men of many talents. What a beautiful bedroom. You had done a wonderful job in decorating the guest bedroom.
    Now, I'll have my coffee / breakfast in bed please :}

    1. LOL, thank you for the kind words. More rooms soon (as they get finished, ha). You just come on down! :-)

    2. I cannot post, just reply! Using found things is so much friendlier than just bought, squeaky new things.


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