
Sunday, May 1, 2016


 So I was trying to beat the rain today to get the mowing done...

I mowed some parts and then when it got too wet...

...I just skipped over them so I didn't get the mower stuck...

If aliens should happen to fly over, we've got some great crop circles going that should be nice and visible from the air, LOL!

There was a bright spot though...the neighbor's cows were VERY happy to see me on the zen machine...

They followed me up and down the fence line and I made sure to mow so the discharge chute pushed the clippings their direction...

Hope your weekend went well!


  1. My husband just finished mowing and now we are having a thunderstorm. Rained most of the day yesterday, so the yard was pretty wet in spots too.

  2. that was kind of you. we could not mow our 1 acre this weekend; all it did was rain.

  3. He seems a bit short of pasture....will they break into your property?

  4. Haha - love those cows, they know how to get an easy meal! The cows surely thank you.

    I wonder what crazy messages you sent into outer space with your mowed- grass crop circles!

  5. I tried to mow at the lake but it was too wet. We are going to be out of town next weekend so in 2 weeks we we get back there the ankle high grass should be mid calf. Gross!

  6. Sigh. We got more rain on Sunday night than for the whole of last month. How much did we get? Less than 0.03inches.

  7. We where at least able to get our yard mowed yesterday but waited till it dried off.
    Not good for a mower to mow when the grass is wet or even if it's dampish.
    Lovely photo of your neighbors cows. Guess that grass is always greener on the other side of the fence Good for you for shooting the grass in their a whole new meaning to new followers :}

  8. 1st Man,

    Okay you're in a wonderful mowing mood.....come up here, I need some mowing help :-P


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