Sunday, July 21, 2024


 Almost forgot to post for today.  I usually have it ready to go but had the wrong time scheduled.  Today is Sunday, it's hot here, was supposed to rain but so far, none.  Update tomorrow on the farm events of yesterday.

Dinner the other night.  Mixed grains with a side of peas and carrots and topped with a nice fillet of broiled mahi-mahi.  So yummy!  We also had a salad to start.  We eat LOTS of salad now. 

Hobart is sleeping in one of his usual spots, the fuzzy blanket on the couch.  He has several "usual spots" around here and we just adapt to wherever he wants to sleep at the time.  Because...



  1. Delicious looking meal! Lazy looking Hobart!
    It is raining up here in S. Colorado!
    Biden bowing out took me by surprise but I look forward to welcome in Madame President!

  2. Beautiful and delicious meal! Yum!
    Of course, Hobart with his Black fur would choose to nap on a White blanket - he doesn’t want to be overlooked, as if that were possible!!

  3. Everyone should eat so healthfully! Hobart has the best life!


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