Monday, July 22, 2024


This weekend was mowing for sure, it hasn't been done in a couple of weeks (hurricane Beryl) and there is rain in the forecast ALL week.  That means next weekend will be out for mowing.

It was a good day up until the end (see last part of this post for that).

Not my best work, but I got it done!

It was hot and I took several breaks.

The clippings will blow away in the rain and wind this week so I'm not too worried.  Heck in a month or two, I'm not even sure how much I'll be able to mow when construction starts.

A little longer than normal but that's because I had to go over some areas a few times with the mowing deck up and then down just to get through the thick areas.

I decided to clean some things off the porch and move them to the garden shed.  Remember the hoses I got a few months back.  A couple were still on the porch so I grabbed the first one and threw it in the back of the truck.  I grabbed the second one...and felt a searing pain in my hand.

Yep, that's a wasp nest.  A LARGE one.

Multiple stings on my hand.  This was after the initial pain died down.  It was multiple stings (either from one or several).  I decided it was time to call it a day and head home as I wasn't sure how my heart was going to react to the venom.  My rate was up higher than usual.

This was later in the evening.  My knuckles went away, ha!  It was sore but as of this morning it's much better.  Oh and those little *%&^% no longer exist...and I will wear gloves from now on when reaching for things outside.  Wasps, spiders, and scorpions oh my!

Hope you all had a better weekend!  Tune in tomorrow for New House Teaser Tuesday!


  1. Double OUCH. Not a good way to start / finish up the day.
    A sting needs to be treated as soon as possible.
    When I get stung by a wasp I will put Benadryl or vinegar if handy on the area to help with the itching and swelling. I do carry a small tube of Benadryl in my purse and also keep some handy in our 1st aide kit. (I never leave home without it) A tube is also keep in glove compartment in the truck.
    Putting on a cold compress/ frozen ice pack, frozen bag of veggies, etc. will also help in keeping the swelling down.
    Here is a link with a bit more information on wasps stings:

    1. you may want to dig out your bee keepers gloves / gear so that you don't get stung again when thinking about picking things up.
      Best time to deal with a wasp nest in the evening; at sunset.
      We have a wasp nest that has built a nest in one of our birdhouses but that will have to wait until Fall when the wasp are no longer around. We could spray it with soap and water mixture but we have no protective gear.

  2. We always keep a bottle of white vinegar on hand because it works like a charm on wasp stings.

  3. OUCH! Wasps hurt so. Gloves, Look, something in pocket to treat it immediately.

  4. Seeing the wasps nest made me shudder, such pain isn't good

  5. If wasps would just sting you once then leave you alone it would be bad enough but bearable. Those suckers keep coming back just to make sure you know they are there. I agree with your ^%^#$#$* description.

  6. Oh my goodness, your poor hand! That looks so very painful. With a LOT of swelling. Good call on getting right back home, especially with your heart condition.

    It’s a good thing you were able to mow the yard with the new round of rain this week.

  7. Those stings hurt so much! We'll have such fun following the construction of your house. We have a thunderstorm every day, with today being the one exception in weeks. We need some more days without storms so I can mow my front yard.


  8. You may be now allergic to wasps. Talk to your doctor.

  9. I see you are wearing a form of medical alert bracelet too ... good for you. When not at home I have as much info as I can pack on a two-sided engraved dog tag type warning ... plus 2 full pages of medical info in my wallet as the last line on the dog tag sends anyone to look for. Ya just never know...


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